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App Academy

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 Ranked 2025 Best Bootcamp

About App Academy

Location: Online

Founded in 2012, App Academy is a world-renowned coding bootcamp that has placed alumni in Software Engineering roles at a range of start-ups and top tech companies. App Academy offers software engineering programs that fit every learning style, all online.... Read More

The 24 Week Full-Time Program (Online) and 48 Week Part-Time Program (Online) Bootcamps cover SQL, JS, Python, HTML, and CSS, in addition to state-of-the-art tools and web frameworks like ReactJS, Express, Flask, and SQL Alchemy. Working in a dynamic team environment, students will build complex web applications that will form the foundation of their portfolio.

App Academy’s goal is to ensure students not only land a full-time software engineering role, but also advance in their careers for years to come. Dedicated career coaches offer job search support ranging from mock technical/non-technical interviews and resume reviews, to connecting grads with App Academy's vast employer network. Upon graduation, career coaches will guide students through their entire job search, from mock interviews to salary negotiation. From there, App Academy's partnerships team connects graduates with some of the most prestigious tech companies in the industry.


24-week Software Engineering Full-Time Program (Online)

Cost: $15,900
Duration: 24 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Over 24 weeks, you'll learn all the skills needed to land a job as a full-time Software Engineer. Through a comprehensive full-stack curriculum widely sought after by employers, we train you to build web applications with Python, JavaScript, React/Redux, SQL, and HTML/CSS. To help you tackle the job interviews after graduation, data structures & algorithms are taught throughout the course. Prior programming experience isn't required. In fact, a majority of our grads are career changers. You just need lots of tenacity and a passion for building cool stuff!

CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Docker, GraphQL, Python, Redux, React.js, SQL, Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript

48-week Software Engineering Part-Time Program (Online)

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 48 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Over 48 weeks, you'll learn all the skills needed to land a job as a full-time Software Engineer. Through a comprehensive full-stack curriculum widely sought after by employers, we train you to build web applications with Python, JavaScript, React/Redux, SQL, and HTML/CSS. To help you tackle job interviews after graduation, data structures & algorithms are taught throughout the course. As a part-time student, we understand that you’ll be juggling a lot, so we provide a more accommodating attendance policy and only give assessments every other week, as compared to every week for our full-time programs. Prior programming experience isn't required. In fact, a majority of our grads are career changers. You just need lots of tenacity and a passion for building cool stuff!

CSS, HTML, MongoDB, Docker, GraphQL, Python, Redux, React.js, SQL, Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript

App Academy Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.69/5 (1203 reviews)

Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"A Review"

I really appreciated App Academy for what it is. I have learned so much from going there. It was one of the most stressful learning moments of my life but I am glad I went.

Kevin La
Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"The struggle"

Probably one of the most intense and grueling 12 weeks in terms of learning and work. But knowing myself, I would't have been able to learn as much as I have without App Academy.

Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Extremely Positive Experience"

Overall, this was definitely one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. I learned an incredible amount of information and feel confident in my skills as a software developer. You can tell that a lot of time and effort is put into the curriculum... Read More

Onyi Cho
Software Developer | Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Great experience"

I enrolled the last 12 weeks intensive bootcamp program at App Academy. Apparently they are changing the cohort to 16 weeks from now on.

Overall, App Academy is not the place where you just sit there and hoping someone would hold your hand to review through... Read More

Even though I came from software developer background, the topics that App Academy taught us are pretty challenging, that I constantly find myself running out of time to study ahead of next day's material. Though, I did feel fulfilled and satisfied by the overwhelming topics that we have to read and understand because it is also probably one of the few way we could improve ourselves rapidly.

My only suggestion to future students are: do not slack off during the weekend. I learned that the hard way...

Emarson Serrano
Software Developer | Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Very Fast/Very Tough/ Probably Worth it"

This program is difficult. You have to set yourself up to succeed. You should have good work ethic, you basically have to clear your calendar for 3 months dedicated to it (including holidays).The tests are a mixed bag. They can be very hard and feel somewhat... Read More

I was doubtful at first about pair programming. It seemed to me just a way to offload the workload of teaching a student by having other students teach each other. I wondered how much can I learn off someone who doesn't know any more than me? Or how useful can I be to someone else when I have no idea what is going on? But what actually happens is both of you work through a problem together. There are times when know/understand something better and are forced to explain that. That process of having to explain your though process is invaluable. It cements your undersand and proves that you know what you are talking about.

All in all it was a good experience. For best results take it seriously and study before hand. Its insanely fast paced. I doubt how sucessful you can be if you come in to it blind.

Joe B
Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Intense, Scary, Overwhelming and WORTH IT!"

Before deciding to attend a bootcamp, I did the same thing you are doing. I read review after review, trying to gauge the value a program like this one might offer me. My previous experience with coding was a grand total of one Intro to C++ class at a... Read More

This program is intense, it's designed that way and they make no apologies about it. You are forced to constantly learn new material, never truly feeling comfortable before the next topic is laid before you. A week into the course, I was sure that I would not make it. I came home everyday to my wife and told her that I had no idea what was going on, that I was barely hanging on, that many other people surely had a better grasp of the material and I was doomed. I spent hours each day after class and every weekend up at the school, working on homework or studying for assessments. App Academy is quick to point out that almost everyone has these feelings, and it's Imposter Syndrome in full effect. They chose you for a reason, they say. You are supposed to be here. For myself, these feelings of inadequacy continued through the course. Though you do get comfortable with a general feeling of unease and helplessness. I will also say, that despite these feelings, I did feel supported throughout the program. I could ask questions whenever I wanted, help was available from TAs and my fellow students. The bonds formed in this stressful situation, and the assistance that you are able to both receive and give to those around you helps keep you grounded and headed towards the finish line. I've heard a lot of talk about the structure of Assessments, and the policy of being asked to leave if you fail 2 of them. Is the system perfect? No, it is not. Is fear an amazing motivator? Yes, it certainly is. Is watching good, hardworking, smart people walk out the doors early a painful experience? Without a doubt. Is there a better way to do it? I truly don't know. But that is the process that App Academy has chosen, so just know what you are getting into. If you are not able to calm yourself down in extremely stressful testing situations, these tests are going to be hard. But, if you do the work, if you go over the practice tests and make attempts to understand the material to the best of your ability, if you are honest with yourself about the information you do not understand and ask questions, you will be fine. If I made it through, you can too.

As I write this, I am at the end of the program, with just a few days left. The Job Search part of the program is much different than the instructional portion. There is much less structure, the occasional lecture on soft skills, networking, reumés, interviewing questions, and further work on some algorithms and data structures. Some people enjoy this portion, some hate it. Some feel abandoned, some use it to finally focus on what they really find interesting. I don't really have any issues with it. I'm happy to be provided with the school's perspective on how to get a job in a very competitive industry, but the quick switch from an extremely structured environment to one where you drive the process can have one feeling lonely. In the end though, you are the only one responsible for your career and you have to start providing yourself with motivation and guidance at some point in time.

Overall, I can honestly say that I would make the decision to come back to App Academy again. I have learned invaluable skills, and I have a path to a job doing something that I love. There is still a lot of work left to do. I will have to go back and dive deeper into nearly all of the concepts covered in the course. I don't believe that most people come out able to get a job the next day, but I would never have made the progress that I did without the rigor and stress that came along with the program. The bootcamp experience is definitely not for everyone. But if you do chose to take this path, I believe that you will find it very rewarding. As others have stated, and in the interest of full disclosure, I am being offered a sweatshirt as motivation for writing a review. I believe everything that I have written, and it is my honest assessment of the program and my experience in it.

Best of luck in your search, and in making a life altering decision. Happy coding. . . .

Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Not an easy program, but definitely worth it."

App Academy is not an easy program. That being said, you will be able to learn an incredible amount in a limited amount of time. The program will definitely push you to your limits, so you have to be ready to put in the work. While challenging, App Academy... Read More

Software Engineer | Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"A great experience, but be ready"

App Academy changed my life. I went in with no coding experience and left with the ability to build apps and get a job in tech. Just be ready to put the work in all day every day for the entire cohort for success.

Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"Great positive and friendly learning environment."

Overall, I had a great time during the 12-week in-person curriculum. While I did come in with an undergraduate CS degree, I feel that the material supplemented what I learned in college quite well (although a bit slow the first few weeks). But given my... Read More

- TAs are extremely friendly and willing to help
- Plenty of interesting projects to work on throughout the course
- Pretty much everybody was fun and easy to work with

- Trying to get help during projects can lead to a lot of waiting for TAs
- Homework could be more meaningful rather than a bunch of small segmented assignments
- Be prepared to keep working hard over the weekends, especially for the full-scale projects toward the end of the course

Graduated: 2019


Software Engineer Track: In-Person



Job Support

"An incredibly rewarding experience with plenty of room for improvement"

Exceptional classmates --> First and foremost, I have to recognize how lucky I was to have such an amazing cohort. The degree of talent in the room, the relentless work ethic, the shared positivity, and the fun! I'm very thankful for the lasting... Read More

Rewarding projects --> I dare say you'll work harder than you've ever worked in your life when approaching your solo / group full-stack projects in the back-half of the curriculum. If you take the projects seriously and approach them as learning experiences, you will 100% grow as a person and as a software developer.

Knowledgeable teaching assistants --> I was fortunate to have an extremely knowledgeable and passionate TA as my circle leader; he consistently did a terrific job of reinforcing the learnings from the curriculum and ensuring that we felt prepared heading into our assessments. The rest of the TAs, some more experienced than others, did a fine job of designing/delivering our daily lectures as well as helping us all out on the floor each afternoon while we tackled our pair-programming assignments.

Absence of Feedback --> As a new student, you'll be required to provide daily feedback on a variety of topics: quality of the curriculum, how well your pair-programming experiences go, your satisfaction level related to the support of your TAs, etc... and yet (to my knowledge) none of us ever received a single piece of feedback in return. I was very vocal about my desire for someone with experience to review my code or even my progress at any point in the curriculum... sadly, this did not come to fruition. If I'm honest, App Academy did not faithfully deliver on the expectations it set regarding the amount of support we would receive throughout the program. There were times when I was either seriously concerned about my own performance or extremely frustrated with aspects of the curriculum, but no one representing the program ever extended an opportunity to have a conversation about this.

Excessive emphasis on passing assessments --> Expect to take tests constantly (at least 1x / week for the first six weeks, not including practice exams). As of this moment, if you fail more than 2 exams, you risk getting dismissed from the program. The pressure was extremely high for almost all of us leading up to the assessments; we were concerned for ourselves and the possibility of losing the friends that we became close with. While I don't have a problem with designing a system to ensure that students are keeping up with the course material, I do seriously question each test's ability to accurately (or even roughly) gauge a student's understanding of the material. In hindsight, it felt like a lot of success was derived from a combination of memorizing code and test-taking strategies that were aimed to prioritize passing unit tests (i.e. scoring points) over genuine understanding of the course material... this last point being especially frustrating because it lies in direct contrast to App Academy's emphasis on prioritizing understanding over finishing assignments / projects.

Poorly designed online educational materials --> Over time, I found myself increasingly frustrated by the quality of App Academy's online educational materials. As a full-time in-person student, you will rely on this online program to supplement the daily lectures and help you complete the daily homework assignments. As a visual / tactile learner, I have no problem admitting that I regularly found myself completely discouraged by App Academy's approach to online learning: giant blocks of dense (often highly technical) text, static (non-interactive) code-snippets, poorly edited videos with outdated material, UI that lacks search functionality, etc... and you'll frequently find topics that App Academy decides to send you elsewhere on the Internet to learn about.

HTML / CSS education needs (a lot of ) love --> I would not recommend App Academy's HTML / CSS education above any of the most well-known and freely available resources on the internet. The curriculum peppers in bite-size doses of these topics with several half-hour projects & only 1 lecture entirely devoted to CSS. Almost all of us reached intermediate levels of competency in these topics exclusively through self-learning while working on our full-stack projects.

Insufficient guidance --> This criticism is specific to the back-half of the curriculum, when you'll transition to working on projects and preparing for your inevitable job search. Some examples come to mind: the shortage of TAs to support our cohort and the lack of organization / awareness / preparation regarding project-related lectures & availability of related online resources. I would also recommend regular check-ins between coaches and students in either a small group setting or 1 on 1 (if time permits); the program can often feel like such a whirlwind and the burden is so often laid on the backs of the students to figure things out themselves... I can't speak for everyone, but I would feel SO much better at least having the perception that there's someone here that is willing to actively guide me instead of just passively being available in the shadows.

Final Thoughts:
Though this opinion is subject to change once I leave the program and make my way through the job search... despite all my criticisms (no bootcamp is perfect), I have ZERO regrets about enrolling in this program. It challenged me to grow in ways I have never experienced in an academic or professional setting. It gifted me some amazing new friendships and connections that I'm extremely grateful to walk away with. It's worth noting that bootcamps are absolutely not made for everyone... the firehosing of information, the lack of sleep, the pressure, the impostor syndrome... this can often feel like an extremely stressful environment (on your body and your mind)... but if you're up for the challenge, this could very well change your life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What financing options are offered by App Academy?

App Academy App Academy offers a Deferred Tuition Plan, Upfront Plan, and financing options through our loan partner Climb Credit.

What courses are offered at App Academy?

There are two main online courses offered at App Academy: A Full-Time Program and a Part-Time Program.

What are the job outcomes for App Academy?

The average salary after graduation is $90,000 in New York and $101,000 in San Francisco, and 74% of alumni find a job.

App Academy alumni work at various tech companies, such as Google, Dropbox, PayPal, Facebook, Github, and more.

What is the application process at App Academy like?

Prospective students will need to submit an online form and complete an interview to apply to App Academy.

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