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Flatiron School

Online, NYC, Denver
Best Bootcamp

 Ranked 2025 Best Bootcamp

About Flatiron School

Location: Online, NYC, Denver

Founded in 2012 and started the bootcamp revolution, Flatiron School offers immersive on-campus and online programs in software engineering, data science, cybersecurity analytics, cybersecurity engineering, and product design that trains passionate people... Read More

To apply, submit your application and share a bit about yourself and what's driving you to start a career. During the application process, you will speak with an Admissions representative in a non-technical interview to allow for the opportunity to get to know each other better in a friendly conversation. You will also need to complete a 15-minute critical thinking and problem-solving assessment afterwards.

You will receive your acceptance decision from Admissions within 4 business days of completing the assessment.

Students benefit from:
- Proven Career-Services Framework
- Robust Industry-Aligned Curriculum
- Career Building Portfolio
- Dedicated 1:1 Career-Coaching
- The Support of Passionate Instructors, Coaches and Community

Flatiron School was one of the first bootcamps in the industry and a pioneer in providing 3rd party examined job placement reports.

Flatiron School wants to empower the next generation of female tech talent. That’s why we created the Women Take Tech Initiative scholarship. To date, Flatiron School has awarded over $1 million in scholarships to make a life-changing tech education more accessible to aspiring female programmers across their disciplines. The Women Take Tech Scholarship is designed for new enrollees in Flatiron School programs globally. Flatiron School has allocated $200,000 dollars from our scholarship budget to equip women recipients with the education and skills necessary to obtain a job in the information technology workforce. Flatiron School will cover $1,000 tor each scholarship recipient in the form of a tuition credit, depending on program and eligibility requirements.


Online Software Engineering

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Flatiron School’s proven Full Stack Web Development Curriculum is at the heart of the Online Software Engineering Immersive. This rigorous course of study prepares you for a career in web development through 800 hours of challenging but rewarding coursework, providing you with the skills and experience necessary to obtain and excel in an entry-level software development job. While the bulk of the material covered encompasses the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems, the Flatiron team carefully designed this curriculum to teach you to think—and build—like a software engineer, independent of any specific language. Students will learn Ruby, HTML & CSS, Object Orientation, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), SQL, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Node.js and Express.js, Angular, and more!

By the completion of Online Software Engineering Immersive, you’ll have done much more than build your technical skills: you’ll have maintained a technical blog to show you can credibly talk tech; you’ll have become a part of your local developer community; you’ll have amassed an impressive portfolio of unique, functional web applications that show employers your programming abilities in action.

Post graduation, Flatiron School's dedicated career coaches provide 1:1 mentoring to every graduate, including resume reviews, mock interviews, and proven strategies for building a job opportunity pipeline. Graduates will also have access to a network of employer partners, and tap into the network of 1500+ alumni.

CSS, Git, HTML, jQuery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, AngularJS, JavaScript

Product Design (UX/UI)

Cost: $16,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: Online, NYC, Denver
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Flatiron School’s Product Design course takes a modern approach to teaching digital design - one which is frequently validated by hiring managers and that will leave students fully prepared to pursue a variety of career paths, including UX Designer, UI Designer, Product Designer, or Full Stack Developer.

Flatiron School’s Product Design course focuses on designing digital products, such as websites or mobile applications. Flatiron School course is crafted so anyone and everyone can be successful, regardless of skill level, artistic background, or coding knowledge. The course starts with ethical and inclusive design principles then progresses through UX and UI concepts, which includes instruction on cutting-edge tools like Figma. Students will end the course with a portfolio of project work intended to catch the eye of hiring managers.

Flatiron School Product Design students rave about the structure, support, and camaraderie throughout the course.

UI Design, UX Design

Software Engineering

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: NYC, Denver
In-person Only
Course Description:

Being a software engineer requires more than knowing how to code or build a web app. Over 15 challenging weeks on Flatiron School’s campus, students learn to think, and build, like software engineers — from developing coding proficiency to gaining an understanding of how products are designed and managed. In each three-week curriculum module, students develop key skills through interactive labs, lectures, and close collaboration, showcasing progress through Portfolio Projects. While the bulk of the material covered encompasses the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems, we carefully designed our curriculum to prepare students to launch software engineering careers, independent of any specific language or technology.

The course covers Ruby, HTML & CSS, Object Orientation, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), SQL, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Node.js and Express.js, Angular, and more. By the completion of the program, students have done much more than simply build technical skills: they have maintained technical blogs to show they can credibly talk tech; they have become a part of the tech community; they have amassed an impressive portfolio of unique, functional web applications to show employers as they enter the job-search phase with the support of our Career Services team.

No previous coding experience is required, but Flatiron School encourages all applicants to start learning through the free coding introductory lessons.. All students apply through a standardized process, including a written application, admissions interview, and technical review.

Flatiron School Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

Flatiron School logo

4.59/5 (268 reviews)

Graduated: 2019


Data Science



Job Support

"Flatiron UX/UI Experience (I had to choose course as datascience because UX was not offered as an option)"

I'll give it you straight after going through the whole 6 month experience along with some of the after program career services track.

The first 2 phases or around 3 months was great. The instructors were knowledgeable and enthusiastic when it came to... Read More

So the first 2 phases went great, and I came in excited and bright-eyed for the in-person phases on the NYC campus. Now this is where the program goes downhill. While I did learn some new things about UX design and research, the instructors were not attentive or great at teaching. I understand the importance of repetition when it comes to the end-to-end design process, and I don't have a problem with it. Actually, I found it helpful that it was repetitive so we had the chance to use our skillset we learned from the previous phases and apply research/design methodologies that worked in specific situations. I also found the repetitive nature of weekly presentations to be helpful in a sense that we had more experience in creating slideshows and presenting.

Now comes the bad stuff. The most amount of design feedback anyone in my cohort received on our presentations and project was in phase 1 and 2. The instructors in the in-person phases would just deflect any relevant questions with "it depends". Of course, "IT DEPENDS". Students are asking because they are weighing out certain decisions within the project framework and asking for a seasoned designers opinion on it. I value autonomy, but at that point when everything triggers the same "it depends" response is, honestly, infuriating and condescending. It's more of an excuse not to do an instructors job. We are in a bootcamp and it's the safest place to fail there--but there was no guidance in any design choices through the in-person phases. The most amount of feedback we received were about the presentation slides and style. While, this is helpful, it's not the feedback we are solely looking for as designers--at a certain point, we don't care what you personally think about certain slides as long as the content is good (but no feedback really there so we will never know). Additionally, the attitudes of the instructors were unprofessional. Personally, I had no issues with any but a lot of my classmates in every cohort had problems with the attitude of most instructors. There was a very passive-aggressive cattiness that was directed at students and was not controlled in a professional, learning environment. Most of the time, the instructors came in later and left earlier than students.

I think the quality of instructors went way down after Flatiron purchased Designation and scaled up to many locations. Being a design instructor at Flatiron seems to be the easiest decent paying job ever. We were more micromanaged about student benefits that we expected to have but couldn't because of their process mess-ups. The programs conflict resolution was a joke and their student selection measures and support were also laughable. I've seen this in many cohorts as they ruined the experiences of many students by not selecting capable designers. Honestly, it makes sense that the organization got rid of the design program because if they wanted keep that program up, Flatiron really needed to look inward and make a lot of changes.

Now career services is iffy at best. The way Flatiron sells you their program is that they have 96% successful job rate after the program for it's students. First off, this is highly contestable as the numbers seem to high to be true. Also, they sell you that the school has a great (already) built-up network with employers to help with prospective job-looking alumni after they graduate. The iffy part of it is that covid definitely took a toll on their "network" so that is due to uncontrolled external circumstances. However, the coaching is subpar and the Money-Back-Guarantee is really a sham (don't enroll because you think you will get your money back--they will fight you tooth and nail on everything to not give you the money back). They have many organizational problems within their employment team which causes alumni to face negative consequences of their bad company management. The amount of employers they have in their "network" is seemingly 0 to few very unrelated positions--which is mind-blowing if they already had a great network before when advertising. And after all that, all they do is deflect responsibility at the alumni seeking jobs about personal accountability. I am telling you right now that job seeking alumni are doing everything they can do network and apply to get jobs because it's our career and our life, so make it seem like we are dropping the ball. For the $17k price point with the advertisement before enrollment, certain services are expected.

Overall, it is a bloated organization that does software engineering really well. But I would stay clear of their design programs if they relaunch in the future.

Official Response from Flatiron School

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. Our goal is to provide each of our students with the skills and career support they need to succeed in their professional transition. We are sorry to hear that your experience was not what you... Read More

We're incredibly proud of our curriculum, our community, and our jobs placements, but are always striving to make Flatiron School even better. As we do, we'll be referring to this feedback. If you'd like to speak directly or in any more detail, please always feel free to e-mail us directly at

Pavel Beletsky
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"Adjust your expectations, work hard, and you won't be disappointed"

They won't do the job for you, you need to work hard on your own, but if you know what you want, go for it! I met a lot of interesting people and gained a ton of priceless experience. For 15 weeks I learned more then I've tried to learn online after work... Read More

Parker Bacall
App Developer | Graduated: 2020


Software Engineering



Job Support

"If you want to see your hard work pay off attend Flatiron"

When I started the Software engineering bootcamp at Flatiron I wasn't super sure about my decision to change my career. A lot of the stories I had heard about people going to bootcamps and changing there lives seemed to good to be true, and to a degree... Read More

Finance/Data Analyst | Graduated: 2020


Online Data Science



Job Support

"Self paced Data Science course"

I started my Data Science program in 2019 in self-paced format and graduated in 2020.
The self paced format is advantageous in that it allows me to determine the schedule and intensity of training that suited me.
I must say that Flatiron School is very... Read More

Jenny Kreiger
Data Scientist | Graduated: 2020


Online Data Science



Job Support

"Awesome option for a career-changer"

Overall, I had a fantastic experience with Flatiron School. The program enabled me to get a data science job that ticked all my boxes. I was able to make a dramatic career transition (during a pandemic, no less!) from academia/non-profits to tech thanks... Read More

Background: When I was applying to bootcamps, I already had a PhD (in a humanities discipline) and lots of data science and programming tutorials under my belt. I chose Flatiron School because the curriculum looked good, the program was only 5 months when done full-time, and they offered an income share agreement as a payment option.

Getting in: First I had a call with a representative to assess my interest and experience in data science. Then I got access to some preparatory materials that included basic Python and a little bit of calculus. Once these were done, I had a technical interview with a Flatiron School instructor, consisting of a few basic programming questions and a conversation about some math/calculus concepts. The preparatory materials were enough to help me be ready for this interview, but the real point of the interview is to assess whether you can learn quickly and take feedback/correction well. After this, I was accepted to the program and chose my start date.

The program: For the duration of the program, I had one instructor, an "educational coach" (to help with motivation, study skills, etc.) and a cohort of fellow bootcampers. We spent four hours per week in live lecture/office hours, and I had two half-hour one-on-ones with my instructor each week, too. My cohort had its own Slack channel where we could ask the instructor or each other questions and do daily standups. Here's a list of topics we covered (not exhaustive):

General Python programming, with particular focus on NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib
Git, GitHub, and principles of version control
Basics of data visualization
Regression (linear, logistic, multiple linear, polynomial, etc.)
SQL and general principles of database design
Basics of object-oriented programming
APIs, web scraping, and working with JSON files
A broad survey of statistical topics, including combinatorics, permutations, distributions, central limit theorem, hypothesis testing, and Bayesian stats
Time series analysis
Basics of linear algebra
Survey of machine learning algorithms and techniques, including k nearest neighbors, decision trees, random forests and other ensemble methods, support vector machines, PCA, k means, and recommendation systems
A little introduction to Spark via PySpark
Basics of graph theory/network analysis
Basics of NLP
Survey of deep learning topics, including RNNs, CNNs, and transfer learning
A little intro to AWS and how to deploy a machine learning algorithm into production.

Near the end of the program, I also got access to a career prep curriculum, which contained readings and exercises relating to résumés, LinkedIn, networking, building a professional web presence, etc. Flatiron School recently added a post-bootcamp curriculum of extra stuff to study while job-searching, including more work with SQL, and intro to R, and some guidelines for making your projects look better on GitHub. I'm really glad they created these additional resources, since these are things I went out and studied on my own because they were important for my job search. Flatiron is constantly updating the curriculum, and students are welcome to submit suggestions or corrections to be addressed by the curriculum team.

An average day of bootcamp involved a lot of independent reading and work on the labs provided in the curriculum, interrupted by a lecture/group meeting with instructor and classmates to go over the material assigned for that day. This format was great for me because I learn better when I can focus on something on my own for a while and then have a chance to ask my questions and hear other people's questions, too. Each day's meeting covered a certain chunk of the curriculum, but there was a lot of flexibility to work ahead or take more time on something if I wanted. Although you could always spend more time on things, I found it was possible to complete each week's material to my own satisfaction in 40-45 hours on average.

Overall, the curriculum prepared me well for my job search. The projects I built during bootcamp were of a high enough quality that I could present them during job interviews. The capstone project is totally open-ended, so you can design it to show off skills relevant to the types of jobs that appeal to you. For each project, I had to do both a non-technical presentation and a code review with my instructor, and these experiences were extremely helpful once I started looking for a job. This is definitely one of the reasons to do a bootcamp rather than just studying on one's own. If someone I knew were looking for a bootcamp today, I would tell them to ask whether a program includes this kind of project work, since it's the best way to prepare for/show that you're prepared for real data science work.

Career services: My experience with career services at Flatiron definitely made the program worth the cost. As soon as I graduated, I started working with a career coach who helped me with my résumé, mock interviews, web presence, and general job search strategy. My coach was amazing, especially at keeping me motivated when the pandemic brought my job search to a screeching halt. It was really helpful to have someone to talk to each week about my job search, and she was super responsive to any questions I had about how to respond to e-mails, networking tactics, etc.

Highlights: The best parts of the bootcamp for me were my instructor, my career coach, and the projects I built.

Improvements: I would have liked to see a little more space in the curriculum given to ethics, maybe some case studies about practical applications of data ethics. There was a brief overview of data ethics in theory ("Hey, you should only make ethical use of people's personal information! There is bias in AI!"), but since this is an issue that affects all aspects of data science, it would be good to give it a little more weight.

Justin Davis
Integration Engineer | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"Compassionate Support"

I graduated from the online self-paced software engineering program. To me, Flatiron's strength is its support structure. The school bends over backwards to provide multiple channels of support. I was originally slated to join the in person program in... Read More

Ahmed Abououf
Software engineer | Graduated: 2020




Job Support

"Not recommended at all"

I am a free lancer with top rated account in UPWORK. I know java, Javascript and VBA. I joined FLatiron School to expand my experience. I completed the online programming course except last module and here is my comments: 1- The administration is very... Read More

Official Response from Flatiron School

Hi Ahmed - Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. Our goal is to provide each of our students with the skills and career support they need to succeed in their professional transition. We are sorry to hear that your experience was not... Read More

We're incredibly proud of our curriculum, our community, and our jobs placements, but are always striving to make Flatiron School even better. As we do, we'll be referring to this feedback. If you'd like to speak directly or in any more detail, please always feel free to e-mail me directly at

Jeremy R
Graduated: 2020


Software Engineering



Job Support

"They can't get their act together."

Long story short, FlatIron acquired SecureSet. SecureSet strung me along for a year on this new online cybersecurity program, that never happened. They ended up closing their doors in Tampa two months after I made the commitment to quit my job and attend... Read More

(I did not attend but I had to select answers to the questions below in order to submit my review).

Graduated: 2020


Online UX/UI Design



Job Support

"UX Ui design course Cancelled."

I was looking forward to starting my cohort May 4th 2020 but due to some unfortunate events at FLATIRON they cancelled the full course for UI/UX design. It is fully cancelled even on the the website, UI/Ux who? it’s not even there so don’t waste your... Read More

Graduated: 2019


Data Science



Job Support

"Was fully delivered what was promised. Very happy with experience."

I completed the data science course all my classmates had strong professional or academic credentials. Instructors were Joe, Sean, and Fangfang. All were extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and had real world experience. I left with all the skills of a... Read More

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Frequently Asked Questions

What financing options are offered by Flatiron School?

Flatiron School offers many financing options, such as Scholarships, Loan Financing through third party loan providers, Deferred Payment, and Upfront Payments.

What courses are offered at Flatiron School?

There are many courses you can take at Flatiron School. These include Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Science, Software Engineering, and Product Design.

What types of programs are offered at Flatiron School?

Flatiron School has Full-Time and Part-Time programs for students that can be taken online or in-person (Full-Time only).

In these programs, students can learn from and take advantage of pair-programming exercises, labs & mini projects, individual career coaching, and more.

What are the job outcomes for Flatiron School?

The average starting salary for 2021 graduates after graduation was $74,625, for job-seeking graduates who accepted full-time salaried roles within the reporting period and disclosed their compensation. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted full-time contract, internship, apprenticeship, and freelance roles and disclosed their compensation was $32/hr. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted part-time roles and disclosed their compensation was $24/hr. (See full Jobs Report here.)

What is the application process at Flatiron School like?

Prospective students will need to submit an online application in order to apply to Flatiron School. Once you complete your application, you’ll receive an invite to complete Flatiron School’s admissions assessment. Please follow the instructions to complete the assessment, once this is completed you’ll be able to schedule your interview with their admissions team so they can assist you with the next steps to get into their program.

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