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Flatiron School

Online, NYC, Denver
Best Bootcamp

 Ranked 2025 Best Bootcamp

About Flatiron School

Location: Online, NYC, Denver

Founded in 2012 and started the bootcamp revolution, Flatiron School offers immersive on-campus and online programs in software engineering, data science, cybersecurity analytics, cybersecurity engineering, and product design that trains passionate people... Read More

To apply, submit your application and share a bit about yourself and what's driving you to start a career. During the application process, you will speak with an Admissions representative in a non-technical interview to allow for the opportunity to get to know each other better in a friendly conversation. You will also need to complete a 15-minute critical thinking and problem-solving assessment afterwards.

You will receive your acceptance decision from Admissions within 4 business days of completing the assessment.

Students benefit from:
- Proven Career-Services Framework
- Robust Industry-Aligned Curriculum
- Career Building Portfolio
- Dedicated 1:1 Career-Coaching
- The Support of Passionate Instructors, Coaches and Community

Flatiron School was one of the first bootcamps in the industry and a pioneer in providing 3rd party examined job placement reports.

Flatiron School wants to empower the next generation of female tech talent. That’s why we created the Women Take Tech Initiative scholarship. To date, Flatiron School has awarded over $1 million in scholarships to make a life-changing tech education more accessible to aspiring female programmers across their disciplines. The Women Take Tech Scholarship is designed for new enrollees in Flatiron School programs globally. Flatiron School has allocated $200,000 dollars from our scholarship budget to equip women recipients with the education and skills necessary to obtain a job in the information technology workforce. Flatiron School will cover $1,000 tor each scholarship recipient in the form of a tuition credit, depending on program and eligibility requirements.


Online Software Engineering

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Flatiron School’s proven Full Stack Web Development Curriculum is at the heart of the Online Software Engineering Immersive. This rigorous course of study prepares you for a career in web development through 800 hours of challenging but rewarding coursework, providing you with the skills and experience necessary to obtain and excel in an entry-level software development job. While the bulk of the material covered encompasses the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems, the Flatiron team carefully designed this curriculum to teach you to think—and build—like a software engineer, independent of any specific language. Students will learn Ruby, HTML & CSS, Object Orientation, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), SQL, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Node.js and Express.js, Angular, and more!

By the completion of Online Software Engineering Immersive, you’ll have done much more than build your technical skills: you’ll have maintained a technical blog to show you can credibly talk tech; you’ll have become a part of your local developer community; you’ll have amassed an impressive portfolio of unique, functional web applications that show employers your programming abilities in action.

Post graduation, Flatiron School's dedicated career coaches provide 1:1 mentoring to every graduate, including resume reviews, mock interviews, and proven strategies for building a job opportunity pipeline. Graduates will also have access to a network of employer partners, and tap into the network of 1500+ alumni.

CSS, Git, HTML, jQuery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, AngularJS, JavaScript

Product Design (UX/UI)

Cost: $16,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: Online, NYC, Denver
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Flatiron School’s Product Design course takes a modern approach to teaching digital design - one which is frequently validated by hiring managers and that will leave students fully prepared to pursue a variety of career paths, including UX Designer, UI Designer, Product Designer, or Full Stack Developer.

Flatiron School’s Product Design course focuses on designing digital products, such as websites or mobile applications. Flatiron School course is crafted so anyone and everyone can be successful, regardless of skill level, artistic background, or coding knowledge. The course starts with ethical and inclusive design principles then progresses through UX and UI concepts, which includes instruction on cutting-edge tools like Figma. Students will end the course with a portfolio of project work intended to catch the eye of hiring managers.

Flatiron School Product Design students rave about the structure, support, and camaraderie throughout the course.

UI Design, UX Design

Software Engineering

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: NYC, Denver
In-person Only
Course Description:

Being a software engineer requires more than knowing how to code or build a web app. Over 15 challenging weeks on Flatiron School’s campus, students learn to think, and build, like software engineers — from developing coding proficiency to gaining an understanding of how products are designed and managed. In each three-week curriculum module, students develop key skills through interactive labs, lectures, and close collaboration, showcasing progress through Portfolio Projects. While the bulk of the material covered encompasses the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems, we carefully designed our curriculum to prepare students to launch software engineering careers, independent of any specific language or technology.

The course covers Ruby, HTML & CSS, Object Orientation, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), SQL, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Node.js and Express.js, Angular, and more. By the completion of the program, students have done much more than simply build technical skills: they have maintained technical blogs to show they can credibly talk tech; they have become a part of the tech community; they have amassed an impressive portfolio of unique, functional web applications to show employers as they enter the job-search phase with the support of our Career Services team.

No previous coding experience is required, but Flatiron School encourages all applicants to start learning through the free coding introductory lessons.. All students apply through a standardized process, including a written application, admissions interview, and technical review.

Flatiron School Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.59/5 (268 reviews)

Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"Online Bootcamp Prep and"

I have been teaching myself to code for several months now. I've bounced around through several online resources (Coursera, Codecademy, Free Code Camp, etc.) and they all helped but some moved too quickly through the material or got pretty advanced while... Read More

I looked into all of the reputable bootcamps, the in-person and online options, and narrowed it down to about 5. I signed up for information from those 5 and received the recommended prep courses from each. I completed a full prep course from my top choice bootcamp but didn't feel entirely prepared so I decided to try the other prep courses before submitting any applications.

Out of the others, 2 of them weren't really worth my time, they were just practice problems and gave me no information about the teaching style of the school. So I was left with Flatiron's prep course on and another fully online school's course. They were both very well done and I went through several lessons on each but Flatiron's was really everything I wanted so I focused on completing it first.

The online prep was so thorough and really fun to move through. Each lesson built upon the previous and contained mini labs that helped solidify the concepts. At the end of each module there was a larger project to complete using all of the skills from the lessons, each lab helped build up to it but enough was definitely left open so I never felt like I was just filling in the blank. I really got to apply what I had learned and finally felt like I was building a solid foundation.

After finishing the Bootcamp Prep I not only felt totally ready to apply to the bootcamps but Flatiron had also become my top choice school. I submitted 3 applications, completed the assessments, and received invitations to interview with all! I chose Flatiron :)

Duncan Maina
Front-End Software Engineer | Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"They've got the secret sauce to coding bootcamp!!!"

I attended Flatiron School in March, for the web developer immersive program in NYC . Within the first week of school we were pushing code on Github, and doing object oriented programming! From that first week onwards the pace, and complexity continued... Read More

If that's all that Flatiron got right it would be a great school, but they also got one very important thing right, and that's community. First of all, they do a great job of assembling a class of smart, creative and very hard working students. My classmates challenged me every day to do my best work, and they we're so supportive and kind to one another that it made coming to school everyday a joyful experience. I learned so much from them, everything from music theory, to my first VR experience. I gained as much from spending time with them as I did learning how to code in class.

But is it worth it? put aside the incredible set of skills you will gain, the amazing people you will be around everyday, can it really payoff in three months? Yes it can, it did for me. Part of the program is the very rigorous work thats done by the career services team. They are nothing short of amazing. They work hard to guide you through all of the things that you need to do to be the best candidate to get the job. I accepted an offer for a Front End Engineer position with an up and coming startup, a month after graduation. If you are driven to learn software development, I strongly recommend that you attend Flatiron, they've got the secret sauce!!!

Sikander C.
Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"Bootcamp Prep Course and Admissions Process"

I was recently accepted into the Web Development Immersive at the NYC campus and am super excited to be attending the program next month.

To start my story: I have been interested in learning to write code for some time, but never really found the impetus... Read More

I found out about Flatiron School while looking into bootcamps, online. Seperately, a cousin who works in tech did some research for me, about bootcamps, and connected me with the friend of a co-worker. This person actually attended a different bootcamp and did not have the best experience, but she highly recommended Flatiron School because of what she had seen from graduates of the program. The seed had been planted.

I soon signed up for Flatiron School's Online Bootcamp Prep course, which is free of charge and hosted on the 'Learn' platfrom. I began going through the tutorials on my own. Whenever I found confusion, I would ask a question, and I would find an almost immediate response from a Technical Coach or a student. I was very impressed with the level of helpfulness provided, being that it was totally free and started making some progress. A week or so into it, I got a call from Cailee at Flatiron. She asked me how it was going, what my intention was with the prep course, and if I had any questions. She then informed me about an online Q&A hosted by Adam at Flatiron, which I attended and found to be very insightful. I also read pretty much all the information on their website and took a few days to digest everything, making sure to properly reflect and reaffirm my intention for the study software engineering. I then applied for the program.

The first part of the application process was a written application. I took some time to write it up and then sent it in. A few days later, I recieved an email saying that I had been invited to the interview process! The first step was a Skype "get to know you" interview, which I had with Adam. We had a very nice conversation where he asked me about my interest and intention for the program, then he let me ask him questions about the program. Luckily, the interview was successful and I was invited to the next step in the process, the technical interview.

I was very worried about getting accepted into the program, because my knowledge of code prior to the Bootcamp Prep course was very slim, but I kept my head down and worked, and reworked, through the prep course material to prepare for the interview, which I scheduled for the next week. I had my technical interview with Tony, who asked me questions about my work on one of the labs and, thankfully, I was able to answer most of his questions (though I did have a little trouble with a more advanced question he asked me towards the end). I was very nervous leading up to, and throughout the interview, but his attitude put me at ease. He let me ask any questions I had at the end of the interview and then that was it. The interview process was over.

The next few days seemed like an eternity while I anxiously waited to hear back. A few days later, I got the email announcing my acceptance. I was ecstatic! They informed me that I needed to complete some pre-coursework, and review some documentation before attending, so that is what I am taking care of now, while wrapping up my final classes for my degree and transitioning my responsibilities at work.

Overall, my experience thus far has been greater than I would've imagined. I have already spent many hours and long nights working on the projects on the 'Learn' platform, but it has helped to develop more of a hunger in me in wanting to learn more and become fully immersed. I am very grateful for this opportunity and very excited to be attending come the end of August!

Jeffrey Hoch
iOS Developer | Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"Perhaps the most fun and challenging three months of my life"

A fellow alum convinced me to give Flatiron a try because I'd recently been laid off when my previous company collapsed. The first day I knew it was one of the best decisions of my life. Fast-forward three months and I have a new job, am making 25k more... Read More

CJ Horton
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2017


Online Software Engineering Bootcamp



Job Support

"An amazing way to make a career change"

I attended Flatiron's Online Web Developer Program via from August 2016 to April 2017 while working full time. Fully employed as of May 2017.

I'm fully aware that I go into full fangirl mode whenever I talk about Flatiron. What can I say? I had... Read More

What made it so great?

1. The flexibility - Unlike an immersive program, if I was having trouble with a particular concept or technique, I was able to take some time to explore it further rather than just having to move on.

2. The people - Learning to code isn't just learning to code. It's also learning to talk about code, how to explain your code to other people, and just generally the vocabulary of web development. I learned as much watching other people code in lectures or study groups and helping other students via Slack or screenshare as I did from the curriculum itself.

3. The format and curriculum - After graduating, I had 5 projects, all of which had undergone a technical-interview-style code review from an instructor and meticulous refactoring. I had more than one potential employer comment that I had a surprisingly well-developed portfolio for someone of my experience level.

Don't get me wrong; it was a ton of work. I had an unrelated full-time job that I couldn't quit for financial reasons, so my life consisted of going to work and coming home to code for several months. My friends thought I had turned into a hermit. But it was absolutely worth it, and I'd recommend this program to anyone looking to get a head start on a career in web development.

Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"Great program!"

Loved my experience going to Flatiron School, had the chance to work with an amazing group of really talented and friendly people. The school really cares about admitting personable people into their in-person program which in my opinion is really important... Read More

Software Engineer | Graduated: 2016




Job Support

"Perfect program to help you pursue your passions"

I attended the Web Development Immersive program beginning in September 2016 and got a job in software engineering in February 2017! The on-campus program really helped me provide me with a platform to learn with the most helpful instructors and other... Read More

I was previously in banking for 5 years and the Flatiron School really allowed me to make a career change in such a short amount of time. I got my job through the very helpful career services team at the school.

The curriculum is strong despite some programming languages being a little old in an ever changing world of different technologies. Ruby on Rails provides a solid foundation for Object Oriented programming and for basic web development structure and an idea of what frameworks are. However, the school is constantly revising and updating their curriculum to try to stay up to date. The most relevant language taught that I actually use at my job is JavaScript, which is ubiquitous in all of the internet.

All in all, the 12 weeks are rigorous but necessary to have you effectively learn everything to prepare you for the tech industry. If you are serious about pursuing a career in web development or software engineering, the Flatiron School provided an absolutely wonderful experience. It's extremely effective and has the results to prove it!

iOS Developer | Graduated: 2016




Job Support

"Amazing Experience"

The best thing about Flatiron School was the instructors. They were well-qualified, friendly, motivating, and ready for helping even after the program finished.In addition, the environment set by my cohort. Many of them were my healthy competition, as... Read More

Mohammed O.
Backend Developer | Graduated: 2016




Job Support

"Flatiron is the best possible way to begin a career in tech (late)."

Coding bootcamps have been getting a lot of attention recently for touting high median salaries after a (relatively) short period of study. I can't speak for all bootcamps but I can say that Flatiron lives up to the hype. Learning to code from a non-technical... Read More

-The instructors and staff here are fantastic. Supportive doesn't even begin to cover it, but the feeling of inclusion and community made what is a very difficult curriculum, fun.

-The students. I don't know how, but the Flatiron admissions staff must be magic because almost all of the students here are great people. Being a part of a group of such diligent, creative, sociable people inspired me to do so much more than I thought possible.

-The curriculum. It's not for everyone, it's incredibly hard. That being said, if you got accepted, chances are you can do it. It doesn't cover everything you should know but considering the time constraints of the immersive, the curriculum makes sense. You should expect to always be learning outside the classroom. This isn't like college where you show up for tests and hand in all the homework at the end of the semester.

-The campus. If you have a chance to apply to the immersive, I highly recommend checking out the campus. It's conducive to getting work done, while also having all the bells and whistles to keep it fun and a good place to hang out. There's also tons of meetups/activities/guest speakers/meditation workshops etc... There's never a shortage of things to keep you busy.

In conclusion. As I mentioned, it's not for everyone. But it really is what you make of it. It will probably be the hardest couple of months you've ever experienced, but you'll get to reap those benefits for the rest of your life as you begin a career in this dynamic industry. Also you'll probably meet a bunch of the coolest people in NYC.

Graduated: 2016




Job Support

"WONDERFUL experience!"

I attended Flatiron School's iOS Immersive program in the fall of 2016. I absolutely LOVED it! I learned so much from the course; the instructors were unbelievably helpful and approachable and the material was both challenging and instructive. The career... Read More

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Frequently Asked Questions

What financing options are offered by Flatiron School?

Flatiron School offers many financing options, such as Scholarships, Loan Financing through third party loan providers, Deferred Payment, and Upfront Payments.

What courses are offered at Flatiron School?

There are many courses you can take at Flatiron School. These include Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Science, Software Engineering, and Product Design.

What types of programs are offered at Flatiron School?

Flatiron School has Full-Time and Part-Time programs for students that can be taken online or in-person (Full-Time only).

In these programs, students can learn from and take advantage of pair-programming exercises, labs & mini projects, individual career coaching, and more.

What are the job outcomes for Flatiron School?

The average starting salary for 2021 graduates after graduation was $74,625, for job-seeking graduates who accepted full-time salaried roles within the reporting period and disclosed their compensation. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted full-time contract, internship, apprenticeship, and freelance roles and disclosed their compensation was $32/hr. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted part-time roles and disclosed their compensation was $24/hr. (See full Jobs Report here.)

What is the application process at Flatiron School like?

Prospective students will need to submit an online application in order to apply to Flatiron School. Once you complete your application, you’ll receive an invite to complete Flatiron School’s admissions assessment. Please follow the instructions to complete the assessment, once this is completed you’ll be able to schedule your interview with their admissions team so they can assist you with the next steps to get into their program.

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