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Holberton School

Lille, San Juan, Lima, +11 more.
Barranquilla, Quito, Tulsa, Montevideo, Tunis, Laval, Cali, Toulouse, Bogota, Beirut, Medellin

About Holberton School

Location: Lille, San Juan, Lima, Barranquilla, Quito, Tulsa, Montevideo, Tunis, Laval, Cali, Toulouse, Bogota, Beirut, Medellin

Since 2016, Holberton School offers two-year Full-Stack Software Engineering training in adequation with Silicon Valley’s companies’ needs.

With no formal teachers or courses! At Holberton School, education is delivered through a project-based learning... Read More

Here, students practice peer learning; they learn to cooperatively work and support each other through their learning process. With this project-based and peer learning curriculum, Holberton School students unleash their creativity and naturally learn how to work as a team to solve practical challenges.

Holberton School's curriculum, which helps students become experienced and capable Software Engineers, requires no previous programming experience. It aims to prepare students not only for a job but for a career in software engineering. The in-person program provides a backdrop for a collaborative working experience, and highlights technical and professional skills like problem-solving and working in teams.

Holberton School's program starts with a nine-month Foundations program that helps students build the base of their education. After Foundations, students may choose between a 3 or 9 months specialization program in Back-end, Front-end, AR/VR, Machine Learning, Full-Stack Web Development, or Low Level & Algorithm.

Holberton School operates on a deferred tuition model with income-based repayment that is time capped, repayment amount capped, and also has an income floor on where no payments are made until a minimum income is met. Depending on the locations, other payment methods are available (UpFront and/or Monthly). Holberton School’s application process was built from scratch to help find the ideal candidates for our learning style. Holberton School's automated and blind application process removes unconscious bias and identifies motivated, passionate, intuitive, creative learners. You do not need to have prior technical or programming experience to apply; instead, Holberton School wants to see what you can learn throughout the process.

The application also serves as a great introduction to project-based learning - a key foundation in Holberton School's program. At the end of Holberton School's application process, students will code and deploy a website with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, code in emacs, to an apache web server.


Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality

Duration: 104 weeks
Locations: Lille, San Juan, Lima, Barranquilla, Quito, Tulsa, Montevideo, Tunis, Laval, Cali, Toulouse, Bogota, Beirut, Medellin
In-person Only
Course Description:

This program is designed specifically to help anyone who can pass our admissions process learn the skills they need to become experts in AR/VR and Software Engineering.

Holberton School education starts with the Foundations program: A 9-month On-Site Intensive program, which covers Python, Object-Oriented Programming, databases, Front-end development, Javascript, HTML/CSS, JQuery, as well as System-engineering, DevOps, and more.

After Foundations, Students will specialize in Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality. This program helps students learn C# fundamentals and algorithms, Unity, asset management, behavior scripting, textures, and material usage, AR/VR friendly UI development, animation, audio, and multiplatform publishing. This curriculum was developed in partnership with Unity, the leading AR/VR development platform.

The goal of Holberton School’s education is beyond teaching a specific programming language or framework. Holberton seeks to teach students about the core learning and problem-solving they will use throughout their careers.

To learn more, visit the HolbertonSchool website.

Tuition: Deferred

C#, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Python, AR/VR, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Unity, Algorithms, JavaScript, DevOps, Front-End Web Development

Full-Stack Web-Development

Cost: Free
Duration: 104 weeks
Locations: Lille, Medellin, Laval, Montevideo, Toulouse, Quito, Lima, Beirut, San Juan, Cali, Barranquilla, Bogota, Tulsa, Tunis
In-person Only
Course Description:

This program is designed specifically to help anyone who can pass our admissions process learn the skills they need to become experts in Full-Stack Web-Development and Software Engineering.

Holberton School education starts with the Foundations program: A 9-month On-Site Intensive program, which covers Python, Object-Oriented Programming, databases, Front-end development, Javascript, HTML/CSS, JQuery, as well as System-engineering, DevOps, and more.

After Foundations, Students will specialize in Full-Stack Web Development. This program will help web-oriented students deep dive into the most used technologies in web development. Students will be trained in ReactJS, VueJS, AngularJS, SASS, responsive design, accessibility, Rails, Go, NodeJS, NoSQL, MySQL advanced, Elasticsearch, Redis, OAuth, and more.

The goal of Holberton School’s education is beyond teaching a specific programming language or framework. Holberton seeks to teach students about the core learning and problem-solving they will use throughout their careers.

To learn more, visit the Holberton School website.

CSS, HTML, jQuery, MySQL, Database Management, NoSQL, Python, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Vue.js, React.js, AngularJS, Node.js, JavaScript, DevOps, Front-End Web Development

Low Level & Algorithms

Duration: 104 weeks
Locations: Barranquilla, Laval, Bogota, Lille, Cali, Toulouse, Montevideo, Tunis, Quito, Tulsa, Medellin, Lima, Beirut, San Juan
In-person Only
Course Description:

This program is designed specifically to help anyone who can pass our admissions process learn the skills they need to become experts in Low Level & Algorithms and Software Engineering.

Holberton School education starts with the Foundations program: A 9-month On-Site Intensive program, which covers Python, Object-Oriented Programming, databases, Front-end development, Javascript, HTML/CSS, JQuery, as well as System-engineering, DevOps, and more.

After Foundations, Students will specialize in Low Level & Algorithms. This program will help students dive even deeper into C, as well as Linux kernel (signal, thread, file stream, IPC, ELF, etc.), advanced trees, graph, pathfinding, cryptography, block mining, blockchain, and more.

The goal of Holberton School’s education is beyond teaching a specific programming language or framework. Holberton seeks to teach students about the core learning and problem-solving they will use throughout their careers.

To learn more, visit the HolbertonSchool website.

Tuition: Deferred

Machine Learning

Duration: 104 weeks
Locations: Medellin, Toulouse, Barranquilla, Beirut, Laval, Bogota, Lille, Cali, Montevideo, Quito, Lima, Tulsa, San Juan
In-person Only
Course Description:

This program is designed specifically to help anyone who can pass our admissions process learn the skills they need to become experts in Machine Learning and Software Engineering.

Holberton School education starts with the Foundations program: A 9-month On-Site Intensive program, which covers Python, Object-Oriented Programming, databases, Front-end development, Javascript, HTML/CSS, JQuery, as well as System-engineering, DevOps, and more.

After Foundations, Students will specialize in Machine Learning. This program covers the fundamentals of neural networks, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, Tensorflow and Keras frameworks, language and visual processing, SQL and NOSQL databases, and how to scrape and label datasets while avoiding human biases.

The goal of Holberton School’s education is beyond teaching a specific programming language or framework. Holberton seeks to teach students about the core learning and problem-solving they will use throughout their careers.

To learn more, visit the HolbertonSchool website.

Tuition: Deferred

CSS, HTML, jQuery, NoSQL, Python, Machine Learning, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), SQL, JavaScript, DevOps, Front-End Web Development

Holberton School Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

Holberton School logo

4.45/5 (85 reviews)

Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"No words for this🤯🤯🤯"

Here you will learn from low to high level programming, you don't need any background the methodology give you that plus.
Also You will learn how to learn a language in a short time so you will be able to code in any kind of language or framework when... Read More

Pilar Pinto
Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"Holberton experience"

I attending Holberton since September and the learning experience are amazing because you learnt a lot of things in a little time, and the knowledge is reused in the next project. And the best part of that is you can start to learn and you do not have... Read More

Lady Marcela
Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"amazing challenger"

It's a great experience from every aspect, helps you grow personally and professionally, not only teach you programming also teach you soft skills to have a better performance in real life, create very strong ties with your peers, can make friends for... Read More

Graduated: 2019




Job Support

"Best. Coding. School. Ever."

I haven't seen a curriculum that pushed me forward like this. I paid for other bootcamps and courses but none has worked for me until I met holberton and made a commitment to stick to their program, which is intense but you learn so much so quick. Thank... Read More

Graduated: 2019




Job Support

"My experience at Holberton School"

I started Holberton School in January 2019. Before that I had little experience in coding, I learned some Java, C++, and JavaScript by following tutorials on the Internet and asking some friends. At Holberton, I learned a lot in a short period of time... Read More

Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"Happy with my decision"

Hi, I am currently a student who is about 7 months into the first year here.

I would highly recommend Holberton to anyone who wants a deeper dive into computer science. If you want to learn how to code, there are many options but where I think Holberton... Read More

In the second trimester, you learn Python and the Object-Oriented Programming. There is a heavier emphasis on algorithms and interview prep. We deep-dived into Big O/sorting algorithms and binary trees. I personally enjoyed this semester as we got to learn SQL and built an Airbnb clone from scratch.

Now I'm in the third trimester which is heavily focused on Dev Ops. The topics we are focusing on are server management with NGINX and Apache. We spend most of our time in SSH and learning about networking. We are also using Docker containers to debug and deploy applications.

Year two offers 4 specializations at the moment: Web Dev, Machine Learning, AR/VR and Blockchain.

If you are considering schools, I would recommend this program if you are looking for an education more akin to a Computer Science degree. If you are interested in the DevOps field, this is also a great option as it is one of the only schools that teaches this topic. If you are an independent person who is comfortable with asking questions and socializing, this is a good fit because you will be working with peers all day long. There is no instructor to keep you on your toes; that is up to you.

I would NOT recommend this program if you want to just learn web development or if you are on a time restraint. Because of the length of the program and the way it is structured, that topic is covered in Year 2 as the priority is on full-stack development in Foundations (Year 1).

At the end of the day, there is no lack of resources to learn how to code these days. It's about how resourceful you can be. Yes, you can learn to code on your own, but personally speaking, I think you will learn much faster if you are surrounded by intelligent, motivated people every day. What I am happy to pay for is the community, mentors, and people with industry experience who can guide you on your journey. Holberton has given me that so far.

Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"My path to becoming a full stack software engineer"

Holberton School has been the most challenging and rewarding curriculums I've taken. The peer to peer learning style and the challenges we face together has helped make learning a fun and flourishing experience. The best learning experience is when we... Read More

Marc C
Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"An amazing and difficult journey"

Holberton has been an amazing, intense, and difficult experience. I'm learning a ton, though often times I feel like I'm not absorbing as much information as possible. The curriculum moves at a break-neck speed. If you're not prepared to dedicate most... Read More

This can be both a good and bad thing. The intensity of the program creates strong bonds within and across the cohorts. Students genuinely want to help and support each other. It's also great that within less than a year, I will have completely enhanced my skillset. Really pleased with my decision.

Geraldinne Bohórquez
Software developer trainee | Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"Best experience ever!"

Holberton School is not the easy way to learn to code but nowadays I think it is actually the best option. The most valuable there is that they are teaching you not just how to code but how to learn whatever you want. The hardest is not the curriculum... Read More

Edgar Quintero
Full-Stack Software Engineering | Graduated: 2019


Full-Stack Software Engineering



Job Support

"Great experience"

Intense study, on projects where you can become a programr super advanced in little time,
where you can learn all by itself is the motto

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