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Magnimind Academy

Online, Sunnyvale
Best Bootcamp

 Ranked 2025 Best Bootcamp

About Magnimind Academy

Location: Online, Sunnyvale

Magnimind Academy offers 15-week boot camps, regular courses, and daily meet-ups in Sunnyvale, CA. The programs help students to improve data skills and prepare for a career change. Magnimind Academy selects promising applicants from their wide range... Read More


1-on-1 Data Analysis Project – Mentorship Bootcamp

Cost: $2,500
Duration: 7 weeks
Locations: Sunnyvale
In-person Only
Course Description:

Project/Mentorship Bootcamp that will help launch your data science career.

You will work on a real project with a professional data scientist, prepare for interviews, polish your resume, and receive valuable post interview feedback. The flexible schedule of the bootcamp program lasts seven weeks with office space provided by Magnimind so that you can work on-site.

Are you ready to start planning for your new career? Do you want to learn more?

How the mentor guided training - project building program works?

Students will be assigned to at least two mentors and they will be given a project. Each student is expected to work 15 hours a week on their project and to also meet with at least two mentors.

Mentors from industry leaders

You will review concepts and get project feedback during your weekly mentor check-in and during onsite workshops. Your mentor will also help you with career planning, job search advice, and interview tips. When you have completed your interview, we will discuss the results as needed and the best ways to follow up.

Resume and profile review

Get expert eyes on your resume and project portfolio. We’ll work with you until they’re perfect.

Job search support

You will get personalized career coaching from the Magnimind team. Learn how to reach out to companies effectively and connect with Magnimind hiring partners.

Is this program a perfect fit for you?

· You have covered the basic theory behind machine learning or data analysis and feel a lack of support for further progress.

· You're planning to look for a job within the next year.

You're able to commit to 1-on-1 meetings, carry out assigned homework, and then follow steps in pursuit of a job in your new career.

Data Analytics, Data Science

1-on-1 Machine Learning Project – Mentorship Bootcamp

Cost: $2,500
Duration: 7 weeks
Locations: Sunnyvale
In-person Only
Course Description:

Project/Mentorship Bootcamp that will help launch your data science career.

You will work on a real project with a professional data scientist, prepare for interviews, polish your resume, and receive valuable post interview feedback. The flexible schedule of the bootcamp program lasts seven weeks with office space provided by Magnimind so that you can work on-site.

Are you ready to start planning for your new career? Do you want to learn more?

How the mentor guided training - project building program works?

Students will be assigned to at least two mentors and they will be given a project. Each student is expected to work 15 hours a week on their project and to also meet with at least two mentors.

Mentors from industry leaders

You will review concepts and get project feedback during your weekly mentor check-in and during onsite workshops. Your mentor will also help you with career planning, job search advice, and interview tips. When you have completed your interview, we will discuss the results as needed and the best ways to follow up.

Resume and profile review

Get expert eyes on your resume and project portfolio. We’ll work with you until they’re perfect.

Job search support

You will get personalized career coaching from the Magnimind team. Learn how to reach out to companies effectively and connect with Magnimind hiring partners.

Is this program a perfect fit for you?

· You have covered the basic theory behind machine learning or data analysis and feel a lack of support for further progress.

· You're planning to look for a job within the next year.

You're able to commit to 1-on-1 meetings, carry out assigned homework, and then follow steps in pursuit of a job in your new career.

Machine Learning, Data Science

Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Thinking about starting a boot camp or a new field and unsure of your background or level of technical skills? We’ve got you covered. Join our Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp where you’ll learn the necessary prerequisite skills while learning basic data science. This boot camp is for non-coders who are interested in learning data science or those who have a technical background although are not familiar with the fundamentals of data science.

Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp will teach you the fundamental skills of Python, SQL, Statistics and an introduction to machine learning. With those skills, you will be ready to take any kind of data science boot-camp or you’ll be ready to start learning data science on your own. During our prep course you will explore a hands-on experience that will ignite your enthusiasm and confidence to learn data science and its’ theory.

● Week 1 :
1. Review Python common functionalities and data structures used in data science
2. Learn the important Python libraries in data science (Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib)

● Week 2:
1. Read and write data from/to different formats (excel, csv, text, etc.)
2. Cleanse and select important records from Dataframes
3. Deal with missing data: identify, replace, and eliminate records
4. Sort Dataframes by multiple columns

● Week 3:
1. Leverage the functions apply, lambda, filter, and map
2. Merge/Join Dataframes by foreign keys
3. Learn pivot tables in Pandas

● Week 4:
1. Learn data visualizations with the libraries Matplotlib and Seaborn
2. Introduction to the Machine Learning library Sklearn
3. Apply linear and logistic regression with Sklearn

Matplotlib, Python, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, SQL, Data Science, Pandas

Distributed ML with Apache Spark Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Whether you’re training machine learning algorithms or performing a complex Analysis of data using statistical techniques the Quality and Quantity of your data determines the performance of your ML Model.

Today, organizations have a difficult time working with huge amount of datasets such as IoT, Click Stream, Mobile and Sensor Data etc.., In addition, big data processing and analyzing needs to be done in real time to gain valuable insights quickly. This is where Distributed Machine Learning comes in.

Understanding how to extract, process and analyze such huge amount of data will only become an ever more important skill for any data analyst / data scientist.

This training course is for you because…

● You are an aspiring or beginning data scientist/engineer.
● You have a comfortable intermediate-level knowledge of Python/Java/Scala and a very basic familiarity with statistics and linear algebra.
● You are a working programmer or student who is motivated to expand your skills to include machine learning and BigData.
● You have some familiarity with the fundamentals of machine learning or have taken the Beginning Machine Learning.


● A first course in Python and/or working experience as a programmer
● College level basic mathematics
● Recommended: Attend or view Beginning Machine Learning

Apache, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Science

Introduction to Python Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

In this Introduction to Python class, you will learn to code in Python which is one of the most popular programming languages as of today. Students will learn the fundamentals of Python so they can develop scripts to automate routine work and scale large-load of work. By the end of this course, you will learn common coding skills in Python, and acquire knowledge of its data structures, modules, functions, input/output, exceptions, and the basics of the object-oriented methodologies. You will learn to develop, test, debug, and improve your coding skills in Python.

The following topics will be covered in the class:

Variables and strings manipulations.
Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, and Tuples.
Sorting functions.
If statements, for and while loops.
Opening, reading, and writing files.
Functions and modules.
Functions with variable number of arguments.
Exception handlings and Assertion.
Lambda function and List comprehension.
The modules math, datetime, os, sys, and urllib.
Regular expressions module (re).
Object Oriented Programming in Python.

Software Testing, Python, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures, Debugging

Machine Learning Core Principles and Application Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Machine Learning Core Principles and Application Mini Bootcamp will help you get started in the data science career. This program is good for different professionals who want to utilize modern data science techniques in their jobs to improve their productivity as wells as for people who would like to switch to Data Science career with a better salary.

What you’ll learn

✓ Use Python for Data Science and Machine Learning

✓ Implement Machine Learning Algorithms

✓ Make predictions using linear regression, polynomial regression, and multivariate regression

✓ Classify data using K-Means clustering, Support Vector Machines (SVM), KNN, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, and PCA

✓ Use SciKit-Learn for Machine Learning Tasks

✓ Use train/test and K-Fold cross-validation to choose and tune your models

✓ Learn to use Pandas for Data Analysis

✓ Learn to use Matplotlib for Python Plotting


Students should have basic college-level mathematics
Simple programming skills (python is preferred)

Python, Machine Learning, SciKit, Data Science, Pandas

Machine Learning Interview Tactics Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

We are expanding to offer a Bootcamp on Machine Learning Interview tactics and training. You don’t want to miss this opportunity especially if you have been preparing for interviews for Machine Learning Engineering jobs and would like to stand out from the crowd.

We will cover several interview questions at various levels. It will be interactive and you will have a great sense of actual interview questions and different approaches for answering them. You will have guidance from our mentors and participate in mock interviews which you will receive valuable feedback from at the end of the Bootcamp. Make your first impression your best impression at every interview!

Machine Learning

Machine Learning with R Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Handle complex data, build R packages and libraries.

What will you learn?

● Module 1 – Machine Learning vs Statistical Modeling & Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
● Machine Learning Languages, Types, and Examples
● Machine Learning vs Statistical Modelling
● Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
● Supervised Learning Classification
● Unsupervised Learning

● Module 2 – Supervised Learning I
● K-Nearest Neighbors
● Decision Trees
● Random Forests
● Reliability of Random Forests
● Advantages & Disadvantages of Decision Trees

● Module 3 – Supervised Learning II
● Regression Algorithms
● Model Evaluation
● Model Evaluation: Overfitting & Underfitting
● Understanding Different Evaluation Models

● Module 4 – Unsupervised Learning
● K-Means Clustering plus Advantages & Disadvantages
● Hierarchical Clustering plus Advantages & Disadvantages
● Measuring the Distances Between Clusters – Single Linkage Clustering
● Measuring the Distances Between Clusters – Algorithms for Hierarchy Clustering
● Density-Based Clustering

● Module 5 – Dimensionality Reduction & Collaborative Filtering
● Dimensionality Reduction: Feature Extraction & Selection
● Collaborative Filtering & Its Challenges

Machine Learning, Algorithms

Magnimind Full-Stack Data Science Bootcamp

Cost: $10,000
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: Online, Sunnyvale
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

This 15-week bootcamp in data science education includes theoretical and practical applications. Each week, students have 7 hours of lectures and 3 office hours. During office hours, students can practice what they have learned and work on projects that have been assigned to them. Instructors are available during these office hours to answer questions and provide guidance.

The course curriculum includes job interview studies and CV preparation guidance. Students will attend several meetup events about job interview questions during the course, organized by MBecome a Full-Stack Data Scientist in 15 weeks.

Explore 4 phased Full-Stack Data Science Bootcamp:

SQL, Python, Statistics Phase:

There are fundamental skills that you need to acquire to be a good data scientist. This includes being able to retrieve, analyse, interpret, present and organize data. In this phase, the bootcamp content is designed to make sure that you master these fundamental skills: SQL, the standard language to communicate with database, Python, the most widely used programming language (one third of new software development uses this language), and Statistics. This bootcamp provides theoretical knowledge and homeworks, hands-on office hours where you can master the curriculum. The bootcamp schedule lets you acquire theory, and practice what you’ve learned with office hours.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning Phase:

In the second phase of the bootcamp, you will learn data preprocessing such as handling missing values, standardization, normalization, and feature scaling. You will learn the popular machine learning concepts such as clustering, classification, regression, ensembling, and dimensionality reduction. You will get your hands on training data, to discover potentially predictive pattern. You will learn how to train algorithms with training data, and to predict the outcome for future datasets. You will also learn about cross-validation, a technique to prevent overtraining. In this phase you’ll utilize modern data science techniques with industry experts. This phase will help you get started in data science career and become ready to machine learning applications.

Natural Language Processing Phase – Cloud (Spark, AWS, Azure):

NLP is one of the most challenging and revolutionary areas of AI. This phase will start teaching you the basics of NLP, and move to the main concepts. You will learn the latest frameworks including NLTK, TextBlob, Gensim, SpaCy, Keras, and Tensorflow. With that, you’ll get comfortable with text representation/processing/understanding, choosing efficient ML algorithms for NLP, embedding spaces and word vectors. In addition to machine learning, you will get a chance to practice a bit of Deep Learning in the context of NLP.

Landing a Job Phase (Projects, resume building, mock interviews) :

You are being acquired many theoretical knowledge and had a chance to apply those with many homework and practices. Now, it’s time to challenge yourself with real projects and see how data science is being applied in the industry. In this phase, you are working on real-time projects where you will master the whole bootcamp content. You will be placed in the work groups and have a mentor. Your mentor will track your progress, advice for your weaknesses and guide you to land your dream job. You will also build a portfolio which is necessary for your job placement. With the help of resume building and mock interviews, you will become an open target for the headhunters. agnimind Academy.

Apache, Python, Machine Learning, Data Science, Statistics & Probability

Natural Language Processing Mini Bootcamp

Cost: $300
Duration: 4 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is focused in practical approach with many examples and developing functional applications. This course starts explaining you, how to get the basic tools for coding and also making a review of the main machine learning concepts and algorithms. After that this course offers you an explanation of the main tools in NLP such as: Working with Test Data in Python, Text processing with NLTK and Spacy, Text Normalization, Model Building and finally developing NLP projects.

Who this course is for:

Aynone who is comfortable writing Python code, using loops, lists, dictionaries, etc.
Anyone who want to learn more about machine learning
Anyone with interest in Natural Language Processing and it’s applications

Course Requirements:

Basic knowledge in python coding
Basic knowledge in Machine Learning
Basic knowledge in linear algebra and probability

What will you learn?

● Week 1:

Introduction to the course and expectations
What is NLP?
Examples of NLP in the real world
What to expect from this course?
NLP Workflow
Basics of language processing & understanding text
Regular Expressions for text processing
Scraping Websites
NLTK and spaCy
Tokens, Lemmas

● Week 2:

Supervised Learning Models for Text Data
Bag of Words with Classification Models

● Week 3:

Unsupervised Learning Models for Text Data
Latent Semantic Analysis
Dimension Reduction
Unsupervised neural network
Introduction to word2vec

● Week 4:

Build your own NLP Model
A hands-on project
An introduction to Advanced NLP topics

Python, Machine Learning, Algorithms

Magnimind Academy Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.88/5 (26 reviews)

Priyambada Nayak
Postdoctoral Researcher | Graduated: 2023


1-on-1 Machine Learning Project – Mentorship Bootcamp



Job Support

"Excellent Mentor-led Data Science Bootcamp and Internship Experience!"

I recently had the privilege of attending this outstanding mentorship bootcamp in data science and I am beyond thrilled with the experience I gained. From start to finish, the program is incredibly well-structured and thoughtfully designed. The instructors... Read More

Maru Waan
analyst | Graduated: 2023


Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"Rich and rapid upskilling, very intelligent and clear explanations"

Rich and rapid upskilling, very intelligent and clear explanations Super clean and structured teachings, clear examples and answers to questions. Very rapid acquisition of skills as well as explanations of alternatives as well as the why we use something,... Read More

Ash Guan
Quantity Surveyor | Graduated: 2023


Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"The lecture is very informative and helpful"

I recently took the data analysis python mini boot camp from Magnimind and overall, I had a positive experience. The course explains the basic knowledge of Python in data analysis. The instructor was knowledgeable and provided clear explanations of the... Read More

Ali Dashti
Student | Graduated: 2023




Job Support

"The mini Bootcamp was so informative"

As a PhD student, I am very grateful to Magnimind academy due to their generosity. Highly demanded tutors are teaching freely and zthis is amazing. I participated in Data Exploration Mini Bootcamp and learned a lot about pandas and data cleaning/exploration... Read More

PM | Graduated: 2023


Machine Learning Core Principles and Application Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"Good ML overview and answers"

Good overview of ML and python tools, some good examples, instructor answered the students' questions well. It is helpful that the files were shared so you could see the code and examples, including data sets. Some good examples of the ML workflow and... Read More

Bill Rieken
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2022


Data Analysis with Python Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"I learned a lot from Dr. Yasin Ceran's Mini Bootcamp."

Pros: I learned a lot of Python coding and scikit-learn models and APIs, together with reading the Python Data Science Handbook. Cons: I missed 2 hours of NFL games Sunday morning. Dr. Yasin Ceran explained KFolds and stratified KFolds very well. He also... Read More

Raymundo Escobar
Data Engineer @ google | Graduated: 2022


Machine Learning Core Principles and Application Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"Refreshing minibootcamp"

Dr. Yasin take you on the hand and refresh all the ML concepts that sometimes are trivial or we give for a fact behind libraries, the perfect combination between field experience , easy knowledge transfer, patient and high caliber expertise make this... Read More

Graduated: 2020


Introduction to Python Mini Bootcamp



Job Support

"One of the best courses to learn data science with python"

I participated in Magnimind Academy's online Python Bootcamp. Instructors were experts from Silicon Valley. I am very satisfied with my experience. They provided an opportunity to practice on real projects after the bootcamp was over. I recommend it.

Cindy Ng
Graduated: 2022




Job Support

"Clear, Approachable, High-Quality Instruction"

I really enjoy learning from the expert instructors at Magnimind Academy, especially top instructor Yasin Ceran. He provides thorough explanation of concepts and coding, is welcoming, and provides an easy to understand way for beginner students to understand... Read More

Official Response from Magnimind Academy

Hi Cindy,

Thank you for the great review! We appreciate it a lot.

Levent Mert
Data Analyst | Graduated: 2019




Job Support

"Best Bootcamp for Data Science"

Best platform to learn data science if you like learning applied knowledge with step-by-step practices. My learning experience was full of extremely educational real world applications, I've acquired the necessary knowledge to be able to enter the world... Read More

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