About Science to Data Science
Science to Data Science (S2DS) is a five-week entirely-virtual bootcamp that trains analytical PhDs and MScs in the skills needed to be hired into data science roles. Applicants who successfully pass the interview stage and receive an offer of place will... Read More
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S2DS Virtual
Science to Data Science Reviews
Average Ratings (All Programs)
Srikanth Subramanian
Freelance Data Scientist | Graduated: 20239/4/2023
S2DS London 2018
"An immersive data science journey"
I recently completed the Science 2 Data Science Bootcamp, and I must say, it was an incredible experience. The 5-week duration was intense, but it allowed for deep immersion into the world of data science. The highlight of the bootcamp was undoubtedly... Read More
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Wenlin X.
Graduated: 20229/26/2022
S2DS Virtual
"Rewarding experience with real-world projects"
There are many courses and learning materials available, but a real-world project for a client company is not easily found, especially for people from backgrounds that are not IT-related. It is possible to organize a team for a ML project, but it's not... Read More
Jeremie Charlet
Data scientist | Graduated: 20215/10/2021
S2DS Virtual
"fantastic experience, great project, brilliant support"
We worked for 5 weeks on a project with a startup in groups of 5. We had strong technical and job support mentoring throughout the program and weekly networking sessions and panels with senior data scientists. I had the opportunity to work in an industry... Read More
Emanuel Blei
data scientist | Graduated: 202011/23/2020
S2DS Virtual
"Five hectic weeks but worth it"
The S2DS boot camp is probably quite different from other offerings. First of all, it is £800 for the virtual version compared to many thousands of dollars for their competitors. Secondly, you have to have at least a master's degree or better still a... Read More
Graduated: 20209/29/2020
S2DS Virtual
"Really good experience with private companies"
Science to Data Science is a 5 week data science program that will allow you to work on a data science problem for a company. I participated to the 2020 virtual edition. I worked in a group of 5 (typical size) and we were lucky enough to deal with the... Read More
S2DS Alumni | Graduated: 20209/25/2020
S2DS London 2018
"Amazing experience"
I graduated from the S2DS August 2020 program. This year instead of being in-person, the London the program was virtual due to covid. Pivigo made a huge effort to make the experience work and it did. Amazing program, very satisfied with it. Totally worth... Read More
Note that, the lectures provided are very limited, and mostly oriented to providing a new view on things (business, finance etc). The more prepared you are before the start the better. (e.g. online courses on AI etc). This is not a course to teach you AI or ML. It's and opportunity to apply what you know to the real world. Also, there are non-AI projects available that relate more around software development and more traditional statistics.
The companies offering projects were energy, education, law, retail, finance, transport etc. Sizes ranged from non-profit and start-ups to mid and large scale established companies. One amazing part of the experience was the presentations at the end of the program. Watching more than 10 different projects be presented gave me a very nice view of the data science landscape, and I know have clearer view of what is the kind of data science I am interested in doing.
When it comes to job support, our cohort was unfortunate as due to COVID, the virtual job fair at the end was cancelled due to lack of demand. However, we do receive job adverts from pivigo.
My take home message is do it. You won't regret the time spent, and after the program you will feel much more confident on how to present yourselves at an interview setting, as you will realise in practice the value you can provide to businesses. Be prepared for an intensive 5-weeks though. There won't be much time for other activities, but its fully worth it.
Data Scientist | Graduated: 20209/25/2020
S2DS Virtual
"Project-based 5 week bootcamp - great commercial experience"
S2DS is a project based bootcamp that helps analytical PhDs gain commercial experience. Participants are divided into teams of 4-5 and assigned projects at companies (there is a wide range of projects to be involved with). There is constant technical... Read More
arnaud leredde
Graduated: 20209/14/2020
S2DS Virtual
"Great bootcamp to become a data scientist"
S2DS is a program that will provide you with your first hands on experience in data science. It consists of a 5 weeks project oriented bootcamp where analytical PhDs are brought together to work on data science and machine learning challenges for a real... Read More
Miaomiao Yu
Graduated: 201912/9/2019
S2DS Virtual
"Exactly what I was looking for..!"
Science to Data Science is a great head start for anyone who has the technical and analytical skills to be a good data scientist, but lack the commercial and industrial work experience that companies look for in a candidate. The programme lasts for five... Read More
The learning curve at the start was steep: working remotely and in a team meant that communication was vital. This was quite different from my experiences in academia and learning to delegate felt awkward at the start. We also had many meetings with the company to clarify the concepts and project goals. As it turns out, one of the biggest hurdles was to understand what the client wanted, translate that into data science problems, and construct an appropriate and feasible plan that we can execute.
We did a lot of exploratory analysis on the datasets we were given for the first two weeks, and started refining our ideas by the second half of the programme. We also started working on an interaractive visualisation platform, improving on the existing data presentation method. The team dynamic varies from one team to another: we were lucky to have found what worked for us early on: splitting the project into smaller tasks and tackling them either individually or in pairs. We communicated any difficulties we faced and always operated as a team (i.e. no one was left behind/out of the loop and no one tried to 'run ahead'). With the help of our external mentor, the CEO of the company as well as the Pivigo team, we delivered products that were incredibly valuable to the company.
The programme also included web-seminars on job hunting, CVs, teamwork and panel debates from past alumni and people who work in freelance, corporations and start-ups. We also had a daily Q&A session where we discussed a topic in data science that interested us. These activities ensured that we had an all-round learning experience.
In all, the journey reaffirmed my passion for data science and was truly the best thing I could've done for my career at this stage. Highly, highly, highly recommend!
Graduated: 201912/8/2019
S2DS Virtual
"An intense but fulfilling experience."
This was a 5 week intensive data science course for people coming from academia ( MSc/PhDs). You are expected to have some experience of scripting before hand (typically Python or R). The course makes the student familiar with the way of working in on... Read More