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About Simpliv

Location: Online

Simpliv is your one stop solution for taking control of your learning with the widest range of professional online courses. It is a unique platform that allows the learners to master the important skills needed for the success in life. Let the expert... Read More

Simpliv is an online education company which is transforming the internet platform into a dynamic web-based learning and teaching environment for a range of students & institutions through online course delivery by the most competent instructors.

Why Simpliv

With the ever-evolving industry trends, there is a constant need of the professionally designed learning solutions that deliver key innovations on time and on a budget to achieve long-term success.

Simpliv understands the changing needs and allows the global learners to evaluate their technical abilities by aligning the learnings to key business objectives in order to fill the skills gaps that exist in the various business areas including IT, Marketing, Business Development, and much more.

What are the courses included in Simpliv platform

Simpliv covers and provide online courses for a range of industries & business professionals including the topics-

IT & Software
Professional Development
Computer Programming Languages
Manufacturing & design
Information & Cyber Security
Web Graphics
Web Video
Web Conferencing and much more...


Introduction to Data Science with R | Simpliv

Cost: $15
Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course introduces R programming environment as a way to have hands-on experience with Data Science. It starts with a few basic examples in R before moving onto doing statistical processing. The course then introduces Machine Learning with techniques such as regression, classification, clustering, and density estimation, in order to solve various data problems.

Basic knowledge
This course is for beginners, but it helps to have some basic understanding of statistics (mean, median, scatter plot) and preliminary knowledge of any programming. The course also assumes that you know how to download and install various programs/apps, and you are able to edit and debug simple programs
What you will learn
Writing simple R programs to do basic mathematical and logical operations
Loading structured data in a R environment for processing
Creating descriptive statistics and visualizations
Finding correlations among numerical variables
Using regression analysis to predict the value of a continuous variable
Building classification models to organize data into pre-determined classes
Organizing given data into meaningful clusters
Applying basic machine learning techniques for solving various data problems

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Machine Learning

Introduction to Programming | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Have you ever said to yourself: "I'd like to learn programming, but where should I start?”

There are an overwhelming number of options that are available to those who want to learn. Introduction to Programming is designed to give you the foundation skills that will prove important for any type of programming you want to do. You’ll learn to code web pages, create a mobile application and use external data sources. (Mobile covered in Level II of the course)

This course, which includes video lectures, lab exercises, and full program code will prepare your for entry level jobs in development-- or simply make you comfortable with code and confident in more advanced study.

As you build a portfolio of skills, you’ll also build a portfolio of completed projects that can be used to demonstrate your new skill sets.

In Level I of the course we focus on foundations-- The things that all developers need to know to be successful. With each passing chapter of the course you'll learn new skills and demonstrate them in a lab exercise.


This program will introduce participants to all of the following technologies:

HTML5 and CSS: Construct the visual aspects of web sites and mobile applications with this language pair
Python: You’ll learn the basics of coding and programming logic using the Python programming language
In Level II of the course we'll look at mobile technologies,Javascript, jQuery and SQL.

We Created Introduction to Programming For You

If you've been considering learning to code-- or have tried before and it didn't quite take-- then this course is for you. We're not teaching a random programming language, but, instead, laying a professional foundation with the skills today's programmers need to know.

A mix of lecture and activity, this course is designed not just to expose you to important topics for new coders, but to help you retain the information and immediately put it to use.

Comprehensive and Efficient

Introduction to Programming is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the programming field. However, we know you're busy and don't spend time on unnecessary theory and background. You'll complete the course in just a few weeks worth of evenings-- however the lessons will stay with you through out your programming career.


You'll learn by doing in the Introduction to Programming program. This course includes multiple projects to help you understand and remember what you're learning. Here's just a few of the projects you'll complete:

Restaurant Review Web Site: Post your favorite restaurant reviews on your own site

MP3 Player: Play your favorite music

Responsive Design Web Site: Make a web site work across multiple sized screens

Interest Calculator: Figure out how long it will take you to get rich

Magic 8 Ball: Make those truly important decisions

Web Services Project: Get data from an external source-- They key to many apps

Over 500,000 Students LearnToProgram

You'll be among our community of over 500,000 students who've learned programming from one of our LearnToProgram courses. With over 250,000 students online, we've learned a few things about teaching people-- And those lessons are injected in to Introduction to Programming.

We're looking forward to seeing you in class!

Who is the target audience?

Beginners who want to learn to code
Teachers and Students
People at the Beginning of Their Coding Career
Basic knowledge
Windows or Mac
Web Browser (Free)
Python Software (Free)
Text Editor (Free)
What you will learn
What is HTML5?
How to Display HTML5 Code in a Browser
The Tool to Use for Coding
How HTML5 Documents are Structured
Displaying Paragraph Text with HTMl5
Displaying Heading Text with HTML5
Displaying Lists
What is CSS and How is it used?
How to Apply CSS Styles
Adjusting Font and Font Size
How to Style Lists with CSS
How to Use Classes and ID's
Creating Internal and External Hyperlinks
Displaying Images on a Page
Playing Audio on a Page
Playing Video on a Page
How to Assemble and Code an MP3 Player
Understand Basic Table Structure
Understand Complex Table Structures
Design a Table with CSs
Obtain User Input
Create Online Forms
Accept Information in the Form of Numbers, Dates and Colors
Create Form Dropdowns
Create Submit and Reset Buttons for a Form
Create Generic Buttons
Create Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
Style Forms with CSS
Use the CSS Box Model
Understand How to Create Borders, Background and Margins
Understand Static, Fixed, Relative and Absolute Positioning Models
Create Floating Elements
Understand Responsive Design
Apply Responsive Design for Mobile
Use a Responsive Design Framework
Write a Procedural Program in Python
Run Python Command LIne Code
Obtain Command Line Input in Python
Output Strings with Print
Output Expressions with Print
Create Variables
Use Input Statements
Understand Programmatic Decision Making
Use Simple and Complex If Statements
Create While Loops
Create For Loops
Create Break and Continue Statements
Understand the Role of Functions in Coding
Create Parameterized Functions
Create Functions that Return Values
Create List Structures
Create a Dictionary Data Structure
Understand File Input/Output
Write to a File
Read in From a File
Work with CSV (Comma Separated Value) Data
Work with Dates in Python
Work with Regular Expressions in Python
Complete Basic Networking in Python
Download and Parse XML

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R Programming

Introduction to Solving Data Problems with UNIX | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

UNIX, Linux, and their variants are wonderful operating systems, with great capabilities of doing data processing. But they are often ignored when people think about solving data problems, or in general, Data Science. This short course provides a hands-on approach to using UNIX/Linux for solving various data problems from sorting and searching to extracting and manipulating information. And all of these without writing any code! That's right. With just a few commands of UNIX, and appropriate combinations of them, one could solve many data problems within seconds without writing thousands of lines or code or spending hours and days.

Basic knowledge
This course is for beginners, but it helps to have some basic understanding of operating systems (e.g., finding and launching programs, installing and configuring apps), as well as some basic knowledge of any programming. The course also assumes that you have a way to connect to a UNIX/Linux system. Alternatively, you could install a free utility on your computer that enables you to work on a UNIX-like environment (not needed for a Mac or a Linux desktop)
What you will learn
Remotely logging into a UNIX/Linux machine
File transfer to a remote machine
A basic understanding of some of the common tools useful for doing programming
Several basic UNIX commands and utilities
Solving several kinds of data problems using UNIX

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Data Science

Javascript Specialist | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Javascript has become the most import language you can learn.

Years ago, you could produce a web site with HTML alone. Now, Javascript is a critical technology that makes not just interactive web sites, but full web applications. Modern sites don't just display data but generally help users complete tasks such as making a reservation or buy an item.

Javascript is a critical part of these transactions. Handling everything from dynamic screen content to interacting with remote servers, every developer needs Javascript.

And, Javascript is not just a web language any more. Due to related technologies like Node and Phone Gap Javascript can now be used in web development (client and server side) and mobile development.

This is only part of the reason that Javascript is THE language to know.

FACT: Javascript is the most desired skill among those who hire new (junior) developers.

(This means that Javascript skills and certification may just be your key to a job).

If you're reading this we don't have to sell you upon becoming a developer. You already know it's one of the most lucrative (and fastest growing) career tracks out there no degree required.

What Will I Learn to Do with Javascript?

Javascript is a powerful language.

Here are just a few of things you can do with Javascript

Create applications that are constantly updated via a web service. Stock market, weather, and transportation apps work with web services to provide users with current information.

Create apps that take advantage of the HTML5 canvas which allows data visualizations, animations and even gaming!

Create applications with reactive interfaces that provide users with an optimized experience.

It's tasks like this that make Javascript critical for developers. Javascript is essential to just about any project that appears on the web or in mobile.

This is where you can separate yourself from the average developer.

As a Designated Javascript Specialist, you are qualified to create, maintain and edit Javascript code. You'll be able to help development teams create relevant, reactive web and mobile applications or even create applications on your own.

In this certification program you'll learn:

How to Output to the console
How to output content to the browser window by manipulating the DOM
The getElementById() command
How to use variables in Javascript
Arithmetic with Javascript
The proper use of Javascript Operators
How to use Number Functions
Using Booleans
How programs make decisions with conditionals
If Statements and If Else Statements
Nested If Statements
How to use the Javascript Switch statement
For Loops, While Loops, Do While Loops
For In Loops, Endless Loops, Break and Continue Statements
Javascript Simple Functions, Function Parameters, Functions that Return a Value
Coding for Javascript Events and Call back Functions
Javascript Dialog Boxes
Creating Javascript Arrays
Looping Through Arrays
Javscript Strings and String Functions to process text
Javascript Date Functions
Processing text with Javascript Regular Expressions
Working with the Browser DOM
Accessing Web Services with the xmlHTTPRequest() Object
Making Requests and Parameterized Requests
Working with Returned Text Content
Working with Returned XML Content
Understanding JSON notation and Parsing JSON content
Using Generic Javascript Objects
Working with the Javascript Audio and Video API
2D Drawing, the Canvas and Javascript
Faux Multithreading with Javaascript
Custom Objects and OOP with Javascript
How Does the Certification Program Work?

First: Complete the Course

Each of the certification courses includes 5 to 10 hours of video training. Each course also includes lab exercises to help you retain the information in the video lectures. The courses feature study guides, practice questions, and activities, all with one goal: to help you learn new coding skills in Javascript.

The courses are designed to be completed in a few days, if significant time is invested. However, you may spread the work out for as long as you’d like. There are no calendars or limits on individual courses. Simply work with the course until you’re confident that you’ve mastered the material.

Next: Pass the Exam

Once you complete the course, you'll be eligible to sit for the exam. The exam is composed of fifty multiple choice questions with a minimum passing score of 80%. The exam isn’t designed to be difficult, but to verify that you retained the information in the course. You have up to an hour to complete the exam. However, most people complete the exam much more quickly. If you don’t pass the exam the first time you take it, you may sit for the exam again.

When you pass the exam and complete the class, you’ll have earned your certification as a Javascript specialist. Congratulations!

Receive Your Certificate and Badge

Now that you’re certified, you’ll receive your printable, full color digital certificate. Your certificate includes a link to a digital transcript page which will serve as verification of your achievement. You can place the badge on your personal website, portfolio, or resume. You also can automatically place the badge on your LinkedIn page.

Many individuals who receive these certifications place them in their email signature and other highly visible digital real estate to set them apart from other developers.

Who should get certified?

Graphic and Digital Designers
Startup Employees
Marketing Designers
Content Specialists
Agency Personnel
Students who want to be more Employable
Anyone else who wants this critical skill set and proof of expertise

Why Should You Be Certified?

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in development, then the Javascript Specialist Designation is the place to continue your path. Almost every digital development project involves some level of Javascript, and experts are in demand. If you’re a business owner, this certification course is a great way to learn what you need to know to style your own website. It’s also a great way to train the members of your team who work with your web site to ensure that they’re using the latest and best Javascript practices. If you’re an agency or freelancer, the Javascript Specialist Designation is a great way to validate your skills and even justify a rate increase. If you’re a student, the Javascript Specialist Designation separates you from other graduates and verifies that you possess specialized technical skills that all employers are seeking.

The Javascript Specialist designation is tangible proof of your mastery of the critical Javascript Skillset and will drive up your value regardless of the environment in which you work.

Who is the target audience?

Developers who want to earn the Javacript Specialist Credential, while learning Javascript
Developers who want to move from Desktop apps to the Web Space
New Developers who want to learn an important coding skill while earning a professional credential
Basic knowledge
A functional knowledge of HTML will be helpful
What you will learn
Create internal and external scripts
Use the event-based coding paradigm
Use the console for test output
Output conten to the browser
Manipulate HTML DOM elements via Javascript
Declare and Initialize Variables
Understand how Javascript variables are "typed"
Use arithmetic operators with Javascript variables
Use Javacript's built-in math functions
Create and use boolean variables
Evaluate conditions with if statements
Evaluate "either-or" scenarios with if else
Make complex decisions with else if structures
Apply the Javascript switch statement
Repeat sections of code using loops
Apply the structure and syntax of while loops
Distinguish between while and do while loops
Use the for loop syntax
Use loops to loop through Javascript objects
Recognize situations that result in endless loops and correct them
Define a simple function
Make a function call
Send parameters to a function for processing
Use return statements to make functions more modular
Understand the syntax for anonymous functions
Work with mouse events
Work with keyboard events
Use form events to validate form data
Pass and use the event object to obtain event properties
Use alert boxes to provide user with information
Use confirm and prompt dialog boxes to interact with users
Declare a basic array
Access and edit array elements
Loop through an array to access each array element
Understand functions associated with the array class
Use string functions to manipulate string values
Use string functions to search and replace characters within a string
Use date functions to work with current date and time
Use date functions to work with future or past dates and times
Create basic regular expressions
Test for string matches with regular expressions
Engage search and replace actions with regular expressions
Conceptualize DOM structure (Document Object Model)
Use getElementById() and innerHTML()
Alter DOM elements dynamically
Add and delete elements from the DOM
Locate elements within the DOM tree
Understand the fundamentals of Service Oriented Architecture
Use the xmlHttpRequest() Object to communicate with web services
Make get-style web service requests
Mark post-style web service requests
Work with text data returned from a service
Parse XML data returned from a service
Parse JSON content returned from a service
Understand and use JSON notation
Draw on the HTML5 canvas
Access built in device geo-location features with Javascript
Create custom Javascript classes
Instantiate and consume Javascript objects

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Javascript Testing Selenium Automation Nightwatch js Nodejs | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

We will go over of basics such as what is selenium and how it help automate the browser.

To complete Setup and Installation of Nightwatch js Testing framework and we will create Test plan and test case, we will manually test a real website and then take those test case and we will automate it.

As we build our framework we will see how page object model/pattern help us re-use our code and how scale our test cases with ease

Who is the target audience?

Manual QA, SDET,Developer, Devops and anyone Interested in Learning Automation Testing
Basic knowledge
Beginner Level understanding on Software Testing
What you will learn
Basics of Selenium Automation Scripts, by the end build a Testing Framework from scratch

Phone no: 5108496155

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Javascript: Crash Course | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

So you need to learn Javascript and learn it fast!

Are you a designer who's now adding JavaScript to your knowledge arsenal? Are you a student who needs a fast and high-quality JavaScript course? Are you a traditional developer trying to learn the basics? Are you applying for a job that requires JavaScript.

JavaScript is not only emerging as the most important language to know, it's flexibility is unique. With JavaScript being deployed on the web, mobile and even the desktop this is the one language that all technologists need to know. As a JavaScript developer you'll find opportunity around every corner!

This is a crash course meaning it moves quick. Every meaningful lecture is chock full of information that you can immediately apply to your coding work. Taught by a master instructor, you'll find that Javascript: Crash Course is a extremely efficient way to learn.

Each lecture course lecture includes the actual code developed by the master instructor during the lecture. No more staring at a blank screen when figuring out how to practice use the included code as a starting point.

The course culminates with developing a full quiz application called Trivia. You'll learn from building out this application yourself and modifying it and making it your own!

Join the over 500,000 learners who've enjoyed LearnToProgram courses. At LearnToProgram, we're teaching the world to code!

Who is the target audience?

Newbies Who Want to Learn Javascript Quickly
Current Programmers who need a Crash Course in Javascript
Those with Limited Time who Want to Learn Alot
Teacher and Students
Designers and Developers who Want to Learn JavaScript Efficiently
Basic knowledge
Foundational HTML
Text editor
Web Browser
What you will learn
Understand and write Javascript Code
Run Javascript Code in a Browser
Choose and Utilize Tools Used by Professional Javascript Developers
Understand the Purpose of Javascript Variables
Declare and Initialize Javascript Variables
User Variables with Strings and Numbers
Perform Mathematical Operations with Javascript
Obtain input from the User via Alert Boxes
Obtain input from the User via Forms
Understand Simple Conditionals with If
Create Complex Conditionals with If Else If
Create While Loops
Create For Loops
Understand the Purpose and Power of Javascript Objects
Use Event Objects to Track Events that Occur
Use the Javscript Date Object to Track Dates
Use the Javascript String Object to Manipulate Strings
Include Audio and Video Content with the Media API
Use the XMLHttpRequest() Object to Exchange Data
Create a Basic Ajax Request
Parse JSON code

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LaTeX A-Z: from beginner to advance in less than 3 hour | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

88% Four star or above ratings and 50% Five star ratings with an overall rating of (4.4/5)

You receive knowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer science with over 10 years of teaching and research experience and another 7 years of experience in using LATEX

Student Testimonials!

"The selection of topics is good. The content of the lectures is fine. The lecturer talks a bit too fast. I had problems with coding one of the lectures and asked for help from the lecturer He answered me quickly and to the point."


Good Class, gives a good overview of using Guide in MATLAB. Explanations are short and to the point. Does not give in-depth instruction. However, the class is very good at showing how to use the Guide in building MATLAB GUIs. If you are unfamiliar with the Guide at all, this is a good class. It will show you how to make GUIs using the Guide and how to work with the many different elements available in the Guide like tables, check boxes, drop down lists, etc.

Joe Boyd

Your Benefits and Advantages:

This course include

All about latex, from downloading to typesetting a latex document, importing images, including tables, working with math equations, algorithms, including citations and many other useful topics, necessary to master the art of producing professional documents in latex
If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
You have lifetime access to the course
You have instant and free access to any updates i add to the course
You have access to all Questions and discussions initiated by other students
You will receive my support regarding any issues related to the course
Check out the curriculum and Freely available lectures for a quick insight
It's time to take Action!

Click the "Add to Cart" button at the top right now!

Time is limited and Every second of every day is valuable.

I am excited to see you in the course!

Best Regrads,

Dr. Nouman Azam

Basic Course Description

This course illustrate the essential components required to create a professional quality documents with the LaTeX. LaTeX is frequently used to write thesis, reports, scientific papers for journals, conferences and making presentations. The essential beauty of LaTeX is that it separates the task of document layout/visual representation from that of the contents of the documents. As a result you pay more attention to the actual contents and are not distracted by the visual appearence. It also automates many of the tedious processes involved in writing a professional publications such as managment of references, visual layout and formatting styles.

With LaTeX, you will find easy and effective management of references, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs, that have no match compared to the the conventional document setting and word processing software.

The course is design in a way that it will introduce you to tools that are freely available online. The examples and other instructional material are included for you to download and practice.

At the end of this course,

You are confident user of LaTeX
You will be able to create your own document in LaTeX
You will learn about different elements of creating professional documents such as how to manage references, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs and many others
You will be able to create well formatted mathematical equations, algorithms, and proofs
Who is the target audience?

Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Instructors, College Students, Engineers, Programmers, Simulators who wants to quickly create front ends for their users to run their code and projects
Basic knowledge
This course is self explanatory and do not require any prior knowledge of LaTeX
What you will learn
You are confident user of LaTeX
You will be able to create your own documents in LaTeX
You will be able to create well formatted mathematical equations, algorithms, and proofs​
You will learn about different elements of creating professional documents such as how to manage references, figures, tables, footnotes, formatting, mathematical equations, algorithms, scientific proofs and many others

Phone no: 5108496155

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Data Structures

Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

A Note on the Python versions 2 and 3: The code-alongs in this class all use Python 2.7. Source code (with copious amounts of comments) is attached as a resource with all the code-alongs. The source code has been provided for both Python 2 and Python 3 wherever possible.

What's Covered:

Introductory Python: Functional language constructs; Python syntax; Lists, dictionaries, functions and function objects; Lambda functions; iterators, exceptions and file-handling
Database operations: Just as much database knowledge as you need to do data manipulation in Python
Auto-generating spreadsheets: Kill the drudgery of reporting tasks with xlsxwriter; automated reports that combine database operations with spreadsheet auto-generation
Text processing and NLP: Python’s powerful tools for text processing - nltk and others.
Website scraping using Beautiful Soup: Scrapers for the New York Times and Washington Post
Machine Learning : Use sk-learn to apply machine learning techniques like KMeans clustering
Hundreds of lines of code with hundreds of lines of comments
Drill #1: Download a zip file from the National Stock Exchange of India; unzip and process to find the 3 most actively traded securities for the day
Drill #2: Store stock-exchange time-series data for 3 years in a database. On-demand, generate a report with a time-series for a given stock ticker
Drill #3: Scrape a news article URL and auto-summarize into 3 sentences
Drill #4: Scrape newspapers and a blog and apply several machine learning techniques - classification and clustering to these
Using discussion forums

Please use the discussion forums on this course to engage with other students and to help each other out. Unfortunately, much as we would like to, it is not possible for us at Loonycorn to respond to individual questions from students:-(

We're super small and self-funded with only 2 people developing technical video content. Our mission is to make high-quality courses available at super low prices.

The only way to keep our prices this low is to *NOT offer additional technical support over email or in-person*. The truth is, direct support is hugely expensive and just does not scale.

We understand that this is not ideal and that a lot of students might benefit from this additional support. Hiring resources for additional support would make our offering much more expensive, thus defeating our original purpose.

It is a hard trade-off.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Who is the target audience?

Yep! Folks with zero programming experience looking to learn a new skill
Machine Learning and Language Processing folks looking to apply concepts in a full-fledged programming language
Yep! Computer Science students or software engineers with no experience in Java, but experience in Python, C++ or even C#. You might need to skip over some bits, but in general the class will still have new learning to offer you :-)
Basic knowledge
No prior programming experience is needed :-)
The course will use a Python IDE (integrated development environment) called iPython from Anaconda. We will go through a step-by-step procedure on downloading and installing this IDE.
What you will learn
Pick up programming even if you have NO programming experience at all
Write Python programs of moderate complexity
Perform complicated text processing - splitting articles into sentences and words and doing things with them
Work with files, including creating Excel spreadsheets and working with zip files
Apply simple machine learning and natural language processing concepts such as classification, clustering and summarization
Understand Object-Oriented Programming in a Python context

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Machine Learning Classification Algorithms using MATLAB | Simpliv

Cost: $12
Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is for you If you are being fascinated by the field of Machine Learning?

Basic Course Description

This course is designed to cover one of the most interesting areas of machine learning called classification. I will take you step-by-step in this course and will first cover the basics of MATLAB. Following that we will look into the details of how to use different machine learning algorithms using MATLAB. Specifically, we will be looking at the MATLAB toolbox called statistic and machine learning toolbox.We will implement some of the most commonly used classification algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Discriminant Analysis, Decision Tress, Support Vector Machines, Error Correcting Ouput Codes and Ensembles. Following that we will be looking at how to cross validate these models and how to evaluate their performances. Intuition into the classification algorithms is also included so that a person with no mathematical background can still comprehend the esesential ideas. The following are the course outlines.

Segment 1: Instructor and Course Introduction
Segment 2: MATLAB Crash Course
Segment 3: Grabbing and Importing Dataset
Segment 4: K-Nearest Neighbor
Segment 5: Naive Bayes
Segment 6: Decision Trees
Segment 7: Discriminant Analysis
Segment 8: Support Vector Machines
Segment 9: Error Correcting Ouput Codes
Segment 10: Classification with Ensembles
Segment 11: Validation Methods
Segment 12: Evaluating Performance
At the end of this course,

You can confidently implement machine learning algorithms using MATLAB
You can perform meaningful analysis on the data
Student Testimonials!

This is the second Simpliv class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.

Jeff Philips

This course is really good for a beginner. It will help you to start from ground up and move on to more complicated areas. Though it does not cover Matlab toolboxes etc, it is still a great basic introduction for the platform. I do recommend getting yourself enrolled for this course.Excellent course and instructor. You learn all the fundamentals of using MATLAB.

Lakmal Weerasinghe

Great information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!

Oamar Kanji

The course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!

Josh Nicassio

Student Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category

"Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!"

Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course "Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)"

Your Benefits and Advantages:

You receive knowledge from a PhD. in Computer science (machine learning) with over 10 years of teaching and research experience, In addition to 15 years of programming experience and another decade of experience in using MATLAB
The instructor has 6 courses on Simpliv on MATLAB including a best seller course.
The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)
If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!
You have lifetime access to the course
You have instant and free access to any updates i add to the course
You have access to all Questions and discussions initiated by other students
You will receive my support regarding any issues related to the course
Check out the curriculum and Freely available lectures for a quick insight.

It's time to take Action!

Click the "Take This Course" button at the top right now!

Time is limited and Every second of every day is valuable.

I am excited to see you in the course!

Best Regrads,

Dr. Nouman Azam

Who is the target audience?

Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Instructors and Teachers, College Students, Engineers, Programmers and Simulators
Basic knowledge
Just basic high level math
What you will learn
Use machines learning algorithms confidently in MALTAB
Build classification learning models and customize them based on the datasets
Compare the performance of diffferent classification algorithms
Learn the intuition behind classification algorithms
Create automatically generated reports for sharing your analysis results with friends and colleague

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Machine Learning

Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning | Simpliv

Cost: $15
Locations: Online
Course Description:

The history of data science, machine learning, and artificial Intelligence is long, but it’s only recently that technology companies - both start-ups and tech giants across the globe have begun to get excited about it… Why? Because now it works. With the arrival of cloud computing and multi-core machines - we have enough compute capacity at our disposal to churn large volumes of data and dig out the hidden patterns contained in these mountains of data.

This technology comes in handy, especially when handling Big Data. Today, companies collect and accumulate data at massive, unmanageable rates for website clicks, credit card transactions, GPS trails, social media interactions, and so on. And it is becoming a challenge to process all the valuable information and use it in a meaningful way. This is where machine learning algorithms come into the picture. These algorithms use all the collected “past” data to learn patterns and predict results or insights that help us make better decisions backed by actual analysis.

You may have experienced various examples of Machine Learning in your daily life (in some cases without even realizing it). Take for example

Credit scoring, which helps the banks to decide whether to grant the loans to a particular customer or not - based on their credit history, historical loan applications, customers’ data and so on

Or the latest technological revolution from right from science fiction movies - the self-driving cars, which use Computer vision, image processing, and machine learning algorithms to learn from actual drivers’ behavior.

Or Amazon's recommendation engine which recommends products based on buying patterns of millions of consumers.

In all these examples, machine learning is used to build models from historical data, to forecast the future events with an acceptable level of reliability. This concept is known as Predictive analytics. To get more accuracy in the analysis, we can also combine machine learning with other techniques such as data mining or statistical modeling.

This progress in the field of machine learning is great news for the tech industry and humanity in general.

But the downside is that there aren’t enough data scientists or machine learning engineers who understand these complex topics.

Well, what if there was an easy to use a web service in the cloud - which could do most of the heavy lifting for us? What if scaled dynamically based on our data volume and velocity?

The answer - is new cloud service from Microsoft called Azure Machine Learning. Azure Machine Learning is a cloud-based data science and machine learning service which is easy to use and is robust and scalable like other Azure cloud services. It provides visual and collaborative tools to create a predictive model which will be ready-to-consume on web services without worrying about the hardware or the VMs which perform the calculations.

The advantage of Azure ML is that it provides a UI-based interface and pre-defined algorithms that can be used to create a training model. And it also supports various programming and scripting languages like R and Python.

In this course, we will discuss Azure Machine Learning in detail. You will learn what features it provides and how it is used. We will explore how to process some real-world datasets and find some patterns in that dataset.

Do you know what it takes to build sophisticated machine learning models in the cloud?

How to expose these models in the form of web services?

Do you know how you can share your machine learning models with non-technical knowledge workers and hand them the power of data analysis?

These are some of the fundamental problems data scientists and engineers struggle with on a daily basis.

This course teaches you how to design, deploy, configure and manage your machine learning models with Azure Machine Learning. The course will start with an introduction to the Azure ML toolset and features provided by it and then dive deeper into building some machine learning models based on some real-world problems.

If you’re serious about building scalable, flexible and powerful machine learning models in the cloud, then this course is for you.

These data science skills are in great demand, but there’s no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your machine learning projects.

Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for experience and skills in these technologies They demand data science and cloud engineers make sense of their dormant data collected on their servers - and in turn, you can demand top dollar for your abilities.

You may be a data science veteran or an enthusiast - if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as a data science engineer or a consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you many-fold in no time.

So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to build some cool machine learning models in the cloud, click the "Add to Cart" button below.

Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert data engineer and generating a greater income for you and your family, it’s time to take action.

Imagine getting that promotion which you’ve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have.

Imagine getting a massive bump in your income because of your newly-acquired, in-demand skills.

That’s what we want for you. If that’s what you want for yourself, click the “Add to Cart” button below and get started today with our “Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning”.

Let’s do this together!

Who is the target audience?

Data science enthusiasts
Software and IT engineers
Cloud engineers
Software architects
Technical and non-technical tech founders
Basic knowledge
Access to a free or paid account for Azure
Basic knowledge about cloud computing and data science
Basic knowledge about IT infrastructure setup
Desire to learn something new and continuous improvement
What you will learn
Learn about Azure Machine Learning
Learn about various machine learning algorithms supported by Azure Machine Learning
Learn how to build and run a machine learning experiment with real world datasets
Learn how to use classification machine learning algorithms
Learn how to use regression machine learning algorithms
Learn how to expose the Azure ML machine learning experiment as a web service or API
Learn how to integrate the Azure ML machine learning experiment API with a web application

Phone no: 5108496155

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Machine Learning

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