About Studytheblockchain
Welcome to Study the Blockchain's one-and-a-half month part-time online bootcamp where you will roll up your sleeves and build, hands on, from conception to deployment, your very own decentralized application (Dapp) on the Etheruem Blockchain using the... Read More
The skills you will gain will help you land a career as a Blockchain developer.
You will be guided by our instructors, brave developers that taught themselves how to build smart contracts, and you will go through a carefully vetted curriculum tailored to get you Blockchain ready.
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Professional Blockchain Developer Certification
Studytheblockchain Reviews
Average Ratings (All Programs)
Edward Yu
Professional Blockchain Developer Certification
"Whether you're a beginner, mid-level, or advance software/web developer, Study the Blockchain provides a well-rounded curriculum that teaches the principles and tools necessary to understand and build your own decentralized application on the blockchain"
Having very limited background in web development and programming, I felt in over my head embarking on this journey to learn development on the blockchain. However, Study the Blockchain not only reinvigorate my interest to learn coding, it provides an... Read More
What the course covers: Ganache, Remix IDE, Metamask, Truffle Suite, Solidity, Web3.
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Mario Bajric
Blockchain Developer | Graduated: 20188/13/2018
Professional Blockchain Developer Certification
"Study the Blockchain offers an accelerated and well-rounded introduction into blockchain development for developers."
I had a wonderful experience learning on this very organized online class. In the month and a half long class, other developers and I learned the ins and outs of blockchain development. The Instructor was very helpful by giving support whenever it was... Read More