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About UpgradeHub

Location: Online, Madrid

We are the school that trains your digital and technological skills from a comprehensive perspective and intensively, between 9 and 24 weeks. We combine face-to-face and online experience in our bootcamps of: Full Stack Developer, BIM and New Technologies... Read More

Our goal is to provide our upgraders with knowledge, but above all, self-confidence, so that they not only find a job in an emerging sector, but also build their own life project.

At Upgrade hub we have a team of trainers who master technological, digital and social disciplines, foster motivation and team spirit so that upgraders achieve the goals they set. We connect digital talent with the top companies in the tech sector through our hiring days. Join a community of digital professionals who, like you, want to develop their full potential.


Full Stack Developer

Cost: €6,950
Duration: 10 weeks
Locations: Online, Madrid
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Locations: remote, madrid
10-24 weeks
online, face-to-face
Full time - Part time
html, css, javascript, angular, react, nodejs php, symfony, mysql, nosql, git, docker
90% employability

CSS, HTML, MySQL, API, Agile, Angular, PHP, Node.js, Adobe Creative Cloud, Back-End Web Development, Front-End Web Development, React Native

UX/UI Designer

Cost: €6,950
Duration: 9 weeks
Locations: Online, Madrid
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Locations: remote, madrid
online, face-to-face
9-24 weeks
Full time - Part time
Figma, typeform, Miro, Teams, Octopus
90% employability

Sketch, UI Design, Agile, UX, UX Design

BIM and New Technologies of the AECO Sector

Cost: €6,950
Duration: 14 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

With the BIM bootcamp you will become an expert in mastering teamwork flows for the creation of large constructions, with the mandatory format and methodology and with the bonus of learning the latest cutting-edge technologies in the sector.

Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking and cloud

Cost: €5,950 - €6,950
Duration: 9 weeks
Locations: Online, Madrid
In-person Available Online
Course Description:

Learn the basics of cyber security and how you can apply security concepts into your workplace. Implement multiple layers of protection spread across the computers, networks, or data that one intends to keep safe. We base the bootcamp on blueprint and redprint cybersecurity.

Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking

Data Analytics

Cost: €6,950
Duration: 9 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

A Big Data bootcamp will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to transform a company's data and metrics into useful information . And that, today, is pure gold.

You will start with a pre-work module 0 that will allow you to enter the world of Programming with Python and SQL . In the following modules, you will learn to collect data, analyze it, and get introduced to supervised and unsupervised machine learning models.

Also You will enhance your softskills , which will allow you to improve your personal brand, your ability to resolve conflicts, and your communication and teamwork skills. It will also prepare you to do interviews and work on your motivation.

Training hours: 9 or 24 weeks, either full or part time.
Title: own.
Location: online with live streaming classes.
Center awards: belonging to Asottech (Tech Talent Association of Spain).
Financing and scholarships: financing for up to 48 months with interest with Sabadell, loans with ISA StudentFinance that are not repaid until regular income is obtained, financing for up to 12 months without interest with Nemuru, payment in installments with Sequra without collateral.

Digital Marketing: Paid Media and SEO

Cost: €6,950
Duration: 10 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Locations: remote
10-21 weeks
Full time - Part time
Paid Media, SEO, HTML & CSS, Design Thinking, Lean marketing, Agile
90% employability

Front-End Developer

Cost: €5,950
Duration: 20 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

Locations: remote
20 weeks
part time
html, css, javascript, angular, react
90% employability

CSS, HTML, Node.js, JavaScript, React Native

UpgradeHub Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

UpgradeHub logo

4.71/5 (80 reviews)

Alexander Matos
Designer | Graduated: 2022


UX/UI Developer Part-Time



Job Support

"Quality Education"

I attended the UX/UI Bootcamp, I think it has been a fairly complete training but what I value the most has been having the opportunity to be evaluated and guided by professionals in the area of the UX sector who were always willing to help us or solve... Read More

Sergio Rodriguez
Consultor de Marketing Automation en Nateevo | Graduated: 2021




Job Support

"Experiien Hub"

La experiencia en el bootcamp Full Stack Developer de Upgrade Hub ha sido mucho mejor de lo esperado. Los mentores Alberto y Antonio son gente muy profesional y con altos conocimientos, lo que hace que sea mucho más fácil aprender. Por otra parte, Silvia... Read More

Isabel M.
Full stack developer | Graduated: 2021


Full Stack Developer Bootcamp



Job Support

"Empecé de cero y en menos de un mes encontré trabajo."

Realicé en bootcamp de full stack developer septiembre a diciembre de 2021 a las 3 semanas de acabar el bootcamp ya estaba trabajando como desarrolladora web. Empecé de cero, metí muchas horas y aún así siempre notaba que mis compañeros tenían más nivel... Read More

Ismael Casado Camacho
UX/UI Designer | Graduated: 2021


UX/UI Designer Bootcamp



Job Support

"Intenso pero te cambia la vida"

Hace unos meses terminé mi Bootcamp en UX/UI, de hecho fue en diciembre, y hace poco más de un mes que ya estoy trabajando en este nuevo camino profesional. María me ayudó enormemente en esto último, de verdad, una maravilla que alguien pueda revisar... Read More

Victor Trevijano
Desarrollador Web FullStack | Graduated: 2021


Full Stack Developer Bootcamp



Job Support

"Ha sido una gran experiencia."

A principios de diciembre terminé el bootcamp de Desarrollo FullStack y a principios de enero ya puedo decir que he encontrado un primer trabajo en una gran compañía gracias a las hiring weeks realizadas en la escuela. En general, estoy muy contento con... Read More

Carlos Arteaga Sanchez
Graduated: 2021


Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking Part-Time



Job Support


Empecé mi aventura haciendo el bootcamp de ciber con ellos después de descartar otros bootcamp, mi nivel de conocimientos era básico pero con esfuerzo, la ayuda y paciencia de los mentores se te hace más fácil. Finalicé el curso hace 3 semanas y ya tuvimos... Read More

Sandra Buendía González
UX/UI Designer | Graduated: 2021


UX/UI Designer Bootcamp



Job Support

"Una experiencia para repetir"

No puedo estar más agradecida por todo lo que me he llevado en mi experiencia con Upgrade Hub. En concreto yo realicé el curso part-time en UX/UI. Han sido momentos duros, muy intensos pero donde he aprendido un montón gracias a un gran equipo de mentores... Read More

Developer | Graduated: 2021


Full Stack Developer Part-Time



Job Support

"Full Stack Developer"

Mi experiencia ha sido bastante buena. Los mentores son muy profesionales y atentos e intentan explicar el temario de una manera muy sencilla con el fin de que puedas entender y aplicar todos los recursos que te van enseñando. Aparte de los conocimientos... Read More

Graduated: 2021




Job Support

"Gran opción para darle un giro a tu carrera profesional"

Estoy muy contenta de haberme decantado por Upgrade Hub para realizar un bootcamp de desarrollo de software para reciclarme profesionalmente. Los conocimientos que he podido aprender son los necesarios para meter el pie en este sector, y el acompañamiento... Read More

Carlos Montes
Técnico de Ciberseguridad | Graduated: 2021




Job Support

"Oportunidad para entrar en el mundo de la Ciberseguridad"

La experiencia educativa fue en general muy buena, los profesores son profesionales en activo, siendo alguno de ellos muy buenos. El provecho que saques del curso depende mucho de cómo trabaje el alumno, el bootcamp es un primer paso para entrar en el... Read More

Person thinking

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