How to Learn SQL Server Administration - 4 Bootcamps to Get You Started
By: The SwitchUp Team
Last Updated: June 16, 2020
Locations: Online
Courses: Data Analytics, Data Science
Subjects: Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Python, SQL +2 More
Colaberry offers instructor-led remote and self-paced training in data analytics, data science, machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Colaberry courses are designed from the ground up to focus on the latest tools and approaches to working with data, and on developing integral human skills, including communication, teamwork, time management, and critical thinking, to assure long-term professional success in the field. Colaberry teaching methodology incorporates a learn-by-doing approach, hands-on workshops, and the award-winning technology platform Refactored for...
The best blended coders academy in Mexico - A hub where talent, mentors, contents, spaces and employers get connected to create professional development environments - Our learning formula, the perfect balance between classroom teaching, lab work and e-learning - Flipped classroom, theory online & hands-on in class - Holistic skills development, hard & soft skills - Professional portfolio building - Real projects & career week - Weekly workshops & invited speakers - Part-time flex immersive
Locations: Online, Hyderabad
Courses: Full Stack ASP.NET Core Web Developer Coding Bootcamp
Subjects: .NET, Angular, API, ASP.NET MVC, Azure +17 More
MTT is a Technology-driven program teaching the core concepts of programming in depth and latest web development. During the course, our students learn how to build any beautiful web applications by themselves like a pro. Apart from technology we also teach them bottom up problem solving methodology. After the bootcamp, our students are granted lifetime access to our online video tutorials platform with more than 350hrs of software development training. They also become members of...
Our unique approach combines on-demand streaming with personal facilitation and comprehensive hands-on exercises to assure successful training and competence in the IT workplace. Our support staff provides personal setup assistance, guidance and lab equipment setup for each student. An instructor is assigned to each student to assist in completing lab exercises and to help with any questions about the course content. Our classes are designed to be 50% lecture and 50% hands on exercises. Lab...
Best Bootcamps received an average 4.79 of 5 based on 170 reviews.