About Bedu Tech
The best blended coders academy in Mexico
- A hub where talent, mentors, contents, spaces and employers get connected to create professional development environments
- Our learning formula, the perfect balance between classroom teaching, lab work and e-learning... Read More
- Flipped classroom, theory online & hands-on in class
- Holistic skills development, hard & soft skills
- Professional portfolio building
- Real projects & career week
- Weekly workshops & invited speakers
- Part-time flex immersive
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Android Development with Kotlin
Data Analysis
Full Stack JavaScript
Full Stack Python
UX & Front-end
Bedu Tech Reviews
Average Ratings (All Programs)
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"Overpriced for what you get in return."
These guys have a misconception of what blended means. They give you access to a third-party service with content that most of the times doesn't match what we're supposed to review in class. Such service is great with tons of courses but at this point... Read More
The program isn't as solid as they promised. The teachers are awesome, they have great background and are always willing to help and go beyond the program, something that I really I appreciate.
For the price they're charging I was expecting to get way more content, this bootcamp stays in the basics and skips tons of important concepts. If Bedu wants to compete with the best bootcamps around the world they need serious changes. As I said before, it's way cheaper to get a membership with Platzi (the online platform they use) and pay one of their teachers, you could learn way more than their program promises.
Thanks teachers, thanks Platzi. People in charge of Bedu stop seeing the money and start caring about education.
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Juan Santillán
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"Good teachers"
The teachers in this bootcamp are really good explaining confuse things in a easy way.
guillermo gallardo
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"excelente bootcamp"
Lo que puedo comentar del bootcamp en bedu es que aprendes muchisimo, los expertos dominan muy bien los conocimientos, es un aprendisaje continuo y la mejor forma de aprender es practicando, cada ejercicio visto en clase son escenarios que facilmente... Read More
Enrique López
Graduated: 20189/26/2019
"Awesome Fullstack Experience"
This is a very interesting and useful bootcamp. I have noticed that almost all of the students have endes having a better job or first job even prior to finishing the bootcamp. The classes are given on a very practical and functional drive and this helps... Read More
Adrian Strozzi
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"Bedu FullStack Javascript"
I'm currently attending the FullStack Javascript bootcamp and it has been a great experience . The mix of online resources, on site instructors, structure and content of the course, plus other secondary elements like facilities and location, conform an... Read More
Luis Partida
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"Bedu makes a Difference"
The classes they provide have up-to-date information and their teachers answer all asked questions
Francisco Rodrigo Urcino Álvarez
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"Excelente Bootcap"
Sus cursos valen la pena, incluso después de terminar tu bootcamp, sigues teniendo el apoyo de los expertos que te orientan incluso en proyectos propios. Ha sido de las mejores inversiones que he hecho en la vida, y lo volvería hacer, de hecho estoy pensando... Read More
Hector Gerardo Avalos
Graduated: 20199/26/2019
"El bootcamp es excelente!"
El bootcamp de BEDU es el mejor que he tomado dado que su metodologia de enseñanza es muy eficiente (Teoría en línea y práctica presencial) y por tanto, ademas los recursos y profesores que te facilitan son los mejores y hacen que el conocimiento se quede... Read More
Diseñador y desarrollador Front-end | Graduated: 20197/30/2019
UX & Front-end
"Excelente Bootcamp UX-Front-End"
El Bootcamp UX & Front-end , es una de las mejores inversiones que pude haber hecho ya que cuenta con un temario bastante amplio , en el que abarca distintas tecnologías y te sumerge en la metodología de diseño de una UX funcional , además cuenta con... Read More
Pablo Antonio Ramirez Vazquez
Front-end Jr | Graduated: 20196/24/2019
Full Stack JavaScript
"Mi experiencia en Bedu Fullstack Javascript"
Es un curso muy completo, donde aprendí desde lo mas básico como HTML y CSS hasta cosas ya mas avanzadas como React Js. Gracias a lo que aprendí en el curso pude cambiar de trabajo y dedicarme al front.