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Bedu Tech

Monterrey, Mexico City, Guadalajara

About Bedu Tech

Location: Monterrey, Mexico City, Guadalajara

The best blended coders academy in Mexico

- A hub where talent, mentors, contents, spaces and employers get connected to create professional development environments

- Our learning formula, the perfect balance between classroom teaching, lab work and e-learning... Read More

- Flipped classroom, theory online & hands-on in class

- Holistic skills development, hard & soft skills

- Professional portfolio building

- Real projects & career week

- Weekly workshops & invited speakers

- Part-time flex immersive


Android Development with Kotlin

Cost: $895
Duration: 20 weeks
Locations: Monterrey, Mexico City, Guadalajara
In-person Only
Course Description:

Course Description: Part-time blended coding bootcamp. The program is an immersive and fast-paced 20 weeks flex course that gives you the knowledge and skills to create native Android applications.

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to employers.

MODULE 1: Kotlin Foundations

1. Definitions
2. Foundations of programming
3. OOP I
5. Functional programming
6. Interoperability Kotlin- Java
7. Error handling
8. Async Programming
Study Circle

MODULE 2: Intermediate Kotlin

1. Development Environment with Android studio (IDE)
2. Hello World android
3. Activities y fragments
4. Layouts
5. Material Design (look and feel)
6. Material Design II
7. Menus
8 . Routing
Study Circle

Module 3: Advanced Kotlin

1. Animations
2. Lists
3. Networking
4. Data Persistence
5. Crashlytics
6. Push notifications and basic notifications
7. Design patterns
8. Sensors and camera
Study Circle

Design Principles, Mobile, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Kotlin, Android, App Development

Data Analysis

Cost: $1,095
Duration: 20 weeks
Locations: Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara
In-person Only
Course Description:

Part-time blended coding bootcamp. The program is an immersive and fast-paced 20 weeks flex course that gives you the knowledge and skills to analyze great quantities of data, reporting, predicting trends and how to build a growth development strategy.

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to employers.

Module 1:
Introduction to Databases
1. SQL Foundations
2. Agrupaciones y subconsultas
3. Joins & Views
4. MongoDB Foundations
5. MongoDB - Queries
6. Agreggations
7. Local Databases - Configurations
8. Query competition
Study Circle

Module 2:
Statistics and Programming with R
1: R Basics
2: Data Types
3: Control Structures
4: Data Sourcing
5: Data Analysis Exploration
6: Sample Technique
7: Regression, prediction and classification
8: Web Apps with Shiny
Study Circle

Module 3:
Data Processing with Python
1: Python Fundamentals
2: Data Structures and cycles
3: Functions, packages and exceptions
4: Data acquisition (Local) & Introduction to SciPy
5: Data Acquisition (APIs & Databases)
6: Exploration & Data Cleaning
7: Data Cleaning & Data Wrangling
8: Advanced Data Wrangling
Study Circle

Module 4:
Data Analysis with Python
1. Python Introduction for Data Analysis
2. Data Analysis Libraries with Python (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Jupyter notebook)
3. Statistical Data Analysis. (Numpy)
4. Data Exploration (Pandas)
5. Data Processing
6. Data Visualization with Python (Matplotlib)
7. Regression with (Machine Learning)
8. Classification with Python (Machine Learning)
Study Circle

Module 5 [OPTIONAL]
Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Machine Learning Tools and Libraries in Python with Jupyter
3. Unsupervised Algorithms: K-means
4. Regression for predictions
5. Classification and artificial neural networks
6. Backpropagation algorithm for artificial neural networks
7. Bioninspired algorithms and genetic algorithms
8. Image processing fundamentals for Machine Learning
Study Circle

SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, API, Python, Jupyter Notebook, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, R Programming, Pandas

Full Stack JavaScript

Cost: $1,300
Duration: 21 weeks
Locations: Guadalajara, Monterrey, Mexico City
In-person Only
Course Description:

Part-time blended coding bootcamp. The program is an immersive and fast-paced 25 weeks flex course that gives you the knowledge and skills to build end-to-end web applications with MEAN and MERN stacks.

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to employers.

Módulo 1:
Front-end Fundamentals
1. Git y terminal
2. HTML5 y CSS3
3. HTML- flexbox
4. CSS
5. Responsive design
6. CSS Frameworks
7. Preprocesadores de CSS
8. Email development / Static sites
Study Circle

Módulo 2:
JavaScript Programming
1. Foundations
2. Control Structures
3. Functions
4. Objects and Arrays
5. OOP
6. Functional Programming
7. DOM (Basics)
8. DOM (Manipulation)
Study Circle

Módulo 3:
1. Webpack
2. React Foundations
3. Components & Lyfecycle
4. State Management
5. Functional Components
6. React Router
7. Testing (Jest & Enzyme)
8. Apollo & React
Study Circle

Módulo 4:
Back-end Fundamentals
1. Console
2. Servers Admin
3. Software Architecture
4. API's
5. Fundamento de bases de datos Relacionales (SQL)
6. Fundamentos de Base de Datos no Relacionales (Mongo)
7. Mongoose
8. Deploy
Study Circle

Módulo 5:
Back-end con Node.js
1. Node.js y npm
2. Back-end y patrón MVC
3. RESTful APIs
4.Frameworks para Back-end
5. Express & GraphQL I(Schemas, Mutations y Queries).
6. Express & GraphQL II (Authentication, Middlewares, suscripciones).
7. Express & GraphQL III (Ordenamiento, Filtrado).
8. Deploy
Study Circle

Git, HTML, MongoDB, MySQL, Bootstrap, Command Line, Web Services, SaaS, Functional Programming, JSON, NPM, React.js, SQL, Algorithms, Node.js, Database Design, Express.js, JavaScript

Full Stack Python

Cost: $1,300
Duration: 21 weeks
Locations: Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
In-person Only
Course Description:

Part-time blended coding bootcamp. The program is an immersive and fast-paced 25 weeks flex course that gives you the knowledge and skills to build end-to-end web applications with JavaScript in the front-end and Python + Django in the back-end.

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to employers.


Módulo 1:
Front-end Fundamentals
1. Git y terminal
2. HTML5 y CSS3
3. HTML- flexbox
4. CSS
5. Responsive design
6. CSS Frameworks
7. Preprocesadores de CSS
8. Email development / Static sites
Study Circle

Módulo 2:
JavaScript Programming
1. Foundations
2. Control Structures
3. Functions
4. Objects and Arrays
5. OOP
6. Functional Programming
7. DOM (Basics)
8. DOM (Manipulation)
Study Circle

Módulo 3:
Back-end Fundamentals
1. Console
2. Servers Admin
3. Software Architecture
4. API's
5. Relational Databases (SQL)
6. No Relational Databases (Mongo)
7. Mongoose
8. Deploy
Study Circle

Módulo 4:
Python Programming
1: Foundations and Syntax
2: Data Structures and Functions
3: Modules and Packages
4: Object Oriented Programming
5: Object Oriented Programming II
6: File Manipulation. JSON, CSV.
7: Flask
8: Testing
Study Circle

Módulo 5:
Back-end with Python/Django
1: Django Fundamentals
2: Databases (SQL & Django)
3: Models, migrations, queries and forms
4: Class Based Views,User Authentication & Plugins
5: Django REST Framework
6: GraphQL
7: Deploy: Heroku, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3,
8: Debug, Testing & Security
Study Circle

CSS, Git, HTML, MySQL, Bootstrap, Command Line, Web Services, SQL Server Administration, SaaS, Functional Programming, JSON, NPM, GraphQL, Python, SQL, Django, Algorithms, Database Design, JavaScript

UX & Front-end

Cost: $1,150
Duration: 10 weeks
Locations: Mexico City, Guadalajara
In-person Only
Course Description:

Part-time blended coding bootcamp.

The program is an immersive and fast-paced 10-week UX Design & Front-end Web Development course that gives you the knowledge and skills to build user centered front-end web applications with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online using Platzi, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstates your abilites to employers.


Module 1:
- Problem Definition
- Design Thinking
- Personnas, scenarios & user stories
- Information Arquitecture and IxD
- Wireframes, mockups y prototypes
- Visual design
- Atomic & Material Design
- User metrics & testing
- Checkpoint

Module 2:
- HTML 1
- CSS 1
- Advanced HTML & CSS
- Git & CLI
- Bootstrap
- Mobile First
- Flexbox & The Grid
- JavaScript y Plugins
- Checkpoint

Module 3:
- Programming fundamentals
- DOM & jQuery
- ECMAScript 6
- Algorithms & data structures
- Async programming
- Unit testing
- Webpack
- Checkpoint

Module 4:
- React fundamentals
- Components in React
- Life cycle and state
- react-router-dom & react-materialize
- create-react-app & APIs
- Redux & reducers
- React & Redux
- Testing with Jest y Enzyme
- Checkpoint

CSS, Git, HTML, Bootstrap, Command Line, Design Sprint, UX Testing, Agile, React.js, JavaScript, UX, UX Design


Cost: $1,095
Duration: 20 weeks
Locations: Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
In-person Only
Course Description:

Part-time blended coding bootcamp. The program is an immersive and fast-paced 20 weeks flex course that gives you the knowledge and skills to create responsive, usable, responsive, digital products, applying different techniques and methodologies.

We use a flipped classroom methodology: theory is learned online, then students go to class to collaborate and practice in hands-on projects mentored and guided by senior developers.

At the end, you’ll have a robust professional portfolio that demonstrates your abilities to employers.


Module 1:
UX Fundamentals
1. UX Fundamentals and User Centered Design
2. Understanding the problem
3. Understanding our users
4. UX mapping
5. Wireframes & Information Architecture
6. User Testing
7. Usability heuristic & Laws of UX
8. Results delivery & Introduction to Prototyping
Study Circle

Module 2:
UX Intermediate
1. Psicología aplicada a UX
2. Frameworks de diseño
3. Propuesta de valor
4. Startup project
5. Agile
6. UX Research
7. Storytelling, UX Writing & User stories
8. Presentación de proyecto
Study Circle

Module 3:
UI Fundamentals
1. Introduction to Digital Design.
2. Design and composition.
3. Responsive and mobile.
4. Principles of interaction design in UI.
5. Interaction guides (estados de componentes).
6. UI Design Guidelines
7. Design Systems and Atomic Design
8. Component Construction Systems
Study Circle

Module 4:
UI Intermediate
1. Visual Design Systematization I
2. Visual Design Systematization II
3. Graph Generation and Tables through data
4. Mockups and prototypes.
5. UI Userflows.
6. Design Documentation
7. Project preparation and development handoff
8. Project Presentation
Study Circle

Design Principles, UI Design, UX Design

Bedu Tech Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.76/5 (68 reviews)

Pedro Fragoso Maldonado
Software Developer | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack Python



Job Support

"Increíble bootcamp"

Fue una experiencia increible, el temario bastante completo, los mentores, con muchísima experiencia, amables y con bastantes tips para poder desarrollar nuestras habilidades. Durante los 6 meses que dura el bootcamp, desarrolle habilidades que solo conocía... Read More

Developer Full Stack Jr en JavaScript | Graduated: 2019


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Mi experiencia en BEDU"

Muy feliz de encontrar que la inversión de BEDU en tiempo y dieron valieron 100% la pena .
Lo recomiendo muchísimo . Hoy en día ya tengo trabajo como programador !

Computer Systems Engineer | Graduated: 2019


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Full Stack JavaScript"

El haber sido parte de este bootcamp me trajo muy buenas recompensas, mis conocimientos en cuanto a desarrollo se expandieron, sobretodo por la experiencia de los maestros que tuve en diferentes clases, al ir avanzando, me dí cuenta que sabía más de lo... Read More

Erik Rubio
ING sistemas computacionales | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support


Las ventajas que tuve de este curso fue el tener conocimiento de herramientas y actualizaciones de información en sistemas para la creación y desarrollo de aplicaciones que no tenía conocimiento, dando el material y tiempo adecuado para conocer los fundamentos... Read More

Me gustó que tuvieran checkpoints en diferentes ocasiones dentro del curso para aplicar las enseñanzas de los mentores, ya que nos servía de mucho para reforzar los temas y visto y al tener errores, contar con las herramientas para buscar de parte nuestra la solución a problemas que se pueden presentar.

Los contras que tuve en el curso fue el tiempo del mismo, ya que a pesar de que fue en un periodo de 6 meses, me hubiera gustado que fuera mucho más, ya que es demasiada información que se adquiere, sin embargo, contamos con el apoyo de Bedu por cualquier duda que se tenga, claro esta, que primero, sería desgastar todas las opciones posibles para encontrar de mi parte la solución.

En resumen, mi experiencia fue todo un reto por aprender y superarme con este curso, y lo mejor que el aprendizaje es cambiante y cuento con las bases para actualizarme en la información.

Blanca Luisa Valencia Hernandez
Fullstack developer | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Amazing course"

It has been an amazing experience been in touch with cutting edge development scripting languages and techniques.
I have earned a lot of knowledge and I'm very confident of my new skills to achieve an excellent job.

Rodrigo Quiroz
Web Developer | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"A very rewarding experience"

For starter I think is a really good pro the chance that gives for people that wants to know more and get closer to the full stack technologies as well as creating a good learning environment for the students or participants.
I think there are still things... Read More

Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Mi experiencia en este curso fue bastante buena, los contenidos son muy actuales acorde a las necesidades actuales de la industria."

Sinceramente sólo encuentro buenas cosas que decir de este curso, los profesores son personas muy preparadas, los temas me parecen muy interesantes, el único pero que tendría, es que hay temas en los que hace falta profundizar un poco más, pero nada que... Read More

francisco gutierrez
Software dev | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"If learning hurts, this is the sweetest pain."

Being in this bootcam with bedu tech is one of the best experiences I have had during my apprenticeship,
They do it in an entertaining, fun way with challenges and above all they are focused on real, non-imaginary problems. Without a doubt, having enrolled... Read More

Miguel Angel Moran Gomez
Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Clases de primer nivel"

Los profesores son totalmente profesionales, el material con el que se trabaja en Línea es preciso y bien impartido para reforzar lo visto en clases.
Toda duda puede ser resuelta por los profesores o por el grupo, un convivio muy chido entre todos los... Read More

Veronica Oviedo
Software dev | Graduated: 2018


Full Stack JavaScript



Job Support

"Review bootcamp"

El bootcamp es muy bueno, se enfoca en la práctica los maestros son personas especializadas en el área y la plataforma que se maneja platzi es muy buena, el temario con los temas más importantes y las instalaciones de muy buen nivel. En general me parece... Read More

Person thinking

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