About DataScientest
Since its founding in 2016, DataScientest has become the European leader in Data Science training courses. We are a team of young professionals moving our learners towards a more innovative, technological and advanced future. Our course catalog contains... Read More
In addition, due to the format and content of the learning philosophy, DataScientest already attracted more than 70 of the Fortune500 companies.
Today, DataScientest embraces the total course completion rate of 94% of all its participants over time. Their participants not only get rewarded with an exclusive DataScientest certificate in the end, but are also granted a certification from the prestigious French University La Sorbonne. This high standard was only able to reach through the company’s coherent and high quality content, its business orientation and continuous adjustment to change. To find out more and become part of the movement towards a data-oriented business world, join us today at DataScientest!
Do you represent this school? Suggest edits.
Analytics Engineer - 21 weeks / 11.5 months
Cloud Engineer - 25 weeks / 16.5 months
Data Analyst - 11 weeks / 7.5 months
Data Engineer - 13 weeks / 11.5 months
Data Scientist - 13 weeks / 11.5 months
DevOps Engineer - 13 weeks / 12 months
Machine Learning Engineer 23 weeks / 16 months
MLOps - 8 weeks / 4 months
DataScientest Reviews
Average Ratings (All Programs)
Graduated: 20237/28/2023
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"De loin la pire experience de formation !"
Mon dieu par ou commencer... je vous conseille de fuir absolument Datascientest. Le suivi par la/le chef de cohorte est catastrophique. Personne ne repond aux emails. L'organisation est absolument catastrophique. Il est difficile d'avoir de l'aide sur... Read More
Do you represent this school? Respond to a review.
ML | Graduated: 20236/29/2023
Machine Learning Engineer
"Expérience d'apprentissage décevante : Problèmes techniques, formateurs peu professionnels et matériel de cours médiocre"
Je souhaite partager mon avis sur la formation que je suis actuellement. Malheureusement, je suis profondément déçu de l'expérience globale jusqu'à présent. Tout d'abord, les notebook utilisés dans le cadre de la formation sont sujets à des problèmes... Read More
Stéphane Bourain
Finance controller | Graduated: 20234/13/2023
"POWER BI PL 300 Datascientest Training"
Just finished training yesterday (3 + 2 days). Group interactivity was effective, the instructor was very responsive. His experience in business as consultant was a key point, having a real operational experience for advising us well in managing Power... Read More
Graduated: 20233/27/2023
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"Data Analyst Bootcamp"
Le bootcamp Data Analyst est très exigeant mais avec un peu d'organisation j'ai pu continuer à faire mes +8h de sport par semaine. Aujourd’hui certifiée et très satisfaite de ma formation, je suis confiante en les compétences que j’ai apprises et je me... Read More
Graduated: 20231/17/2023
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"effective, smart, hard work"
I find this platform is the best because it's an intelligent way of learning in this era, just text content plus some needed short tutorial videos. also learning by doing is the most important concept in this platform as I had exams after every single... Read More
Data engineer | Graduated: 202212/23/2022
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Formation Data Engineer"
Très bonne formation de data engineering. équipe pédagogique très à l'écoute et cours de bonnes qualité. Merci au support et à toute l'équipe Datascientest de leur disponibilité et leur conseil. Merci également à l'équipe career management pour le salon... Read More
Simon Cariou
Graduated: 202212/21/2022
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"A very well thought training with qualified professors and supervisors"
I followed the DataEngineer training and graduated in November 2022. In my opinion, the strength of the training I followed lies in their learning method which promotes a direct practical application of the concepts during teaching. A platform with constantly... Read More
Graduated: 202212/15/2022
Data Scientist - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Quelle joie d'avoir suivi la formation de data scientist en format bootcamp chez DataScientest"
Quelle joie d'avoir suivi la formation de data scientist en format bootcamp chez DataScientest. La chance également d'être tombé sur une promo soudée ! Rien de mieux pour progresser techniquement sur l'ensemble des différentes notions qu'un futur data... Read More
Senior consultant | Graduated: 202212/15/2022
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Nice Place to learn"
The Course was great. Some points could be improved: - More video courses (recorded and live) - Clearness about modules that are compulsory or optional. - Some courses about Data Engineering tools might be compulsory and not optional. Thanks guys!
Jean-Baptiste LANVIN
Data Engineer | Graduated: 202212/14/2022
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Formation complète et exigeante pour maitrisé les pré-requis d'un Data Engineer"
Je recommande vivement la formation de Data Engineer chez DataScientest. C'est une formation exigeante basée sur la méthode du learning by doing. Cette méthode associée au projet fil permettent d'appréhender de nombreuses technologies utilisées dans le... Read More