About DataScientest
Since its founding in 2016, DataScientest has become the European leader in Data Science training courses. We are a team of young professionals moving our learners towards a more innovative, technological and advanced future. Our course catalog contains... Read More
In addition, due to the format and content of the learning philosophy, DataScientest already attracted more than 70 of the Fortune500 companies.
Today, DataScientest embraces the total course completion rate of 94% of all its participants over time. Their participants not only get rewarded with an exclusive DataScientest certificate in the end, but are also granted a certification from the prestigious French University La Sorbonne. This high standard was only able to reach through the company’s coherent and high quality content, its business orientation and continuous adjustment to change. To find out more and become part of the movement towards a data-oriented business world, join us today at DataScientest!
Do you represent this school? Suggest edits.
Analytics Engineer - 21 weeks / 11.5 months
Cloud Engineer - 25 weeks / 16.5 months
Data Analyst - 11 weeks / 7.5 months
Data Engineer - 13 weeks / 11.5 months
Data Scientist - 13 weeks / 11.5 months
DevOps Engineer - 13 weeks / 12 months
Machine Learning Engineer 23 weeks / 16 months
MLOps - 8 weeks / 4 months
DataScientest Reviews
Average Ratings (All Programs)
Fabian Barulli
Student | Graduated: 20252/28/2025
Machine Learning Engineer 23 weeks / 16 months
"Great idea, terrible execution (MLE)"
As soon as I took a look at the course material, I knew the rest of the course was going to be bad. The material is extremely basic. The time you spend coding is minimal. You only complete one project in the entire course, instead of completing several... Read More
Support from staff? Don’t count on them for anything at all. They seem to be terribly busy. They will only help you with the bare minimum. My project "mentor" did absolutely nothing the entire time and then decided to criticize how little my group managed to work as a team. This made no sense to me because he did not manage the team effectively. I asked several other staff members for help; however, they all gave me the same treatment—little to no help, far and few in between. Responding to Slack messages? 2-3 business days. For the first half of the course, the teaching assistants were all unavailable, and you had to wait at least one week to book one for 15 minutes.
I cannot comment on the job support; however, it’s highly unlikely that it will be any better.
I just completed the Data Science course and will now continue to the MLOps portion. I would not recommend this course so far to anyone. You will not learn much from this course. I have taken other courses that were far better, and I refuse to believe that there is a single course that can get you hired. So keep this in mind when considering these bootcamps.
Do you represent this school? Respond to a review.
Graduated: 20238/2/2024
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"Worst bootcamp i´ve done so far"
I´ve attented this so called course and from day 1 on there were issues of technical and organisational nature. Messages weren´t answered in a proper time, there was no excercise material, you couldnt see what you did right or wrong in the exams and the... Read More
the grading of the exam is instransparent so you are at the will of the person who checks your exam. if you fail you only get the message that you fail with no reason why.
a lot of the students are struggling and are going to use chatgpt to cheat their way through so the certificate you are going to receive here is one of no substance
Graduated: 20244/15/2024
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"This company is a NIGHTMARE"
This company is a NIGHTMARE. DevOps Bootcamp is a joke, they charge 6k and when I asked for a call with someone that could answer couple of my questions - I am waiting more than two weeks for a teacher and still nobody got back to me. This is just one... Read More
Consultant Data | Graduated: 20244/4/2024
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"Formation à Microsoft Power BI de DataScientest"
Je souhaite partager mon avis suite à la formation de qualité que j'ai suivie sur Microsoft Power BI, dispensée par la société DataScientest. Cette expérience a été extrêmement enrichissante et a largement dépassé mes attentes en termes de contenu, de... Read More
Nicolas Utter
Content creator | Graduated: 20233/28/2024
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Très bonne formation"
Etant en reconversion professionnelle, j'ai poursuivi ma formation en DevOps en alternance chez DataScientest. J'ai choisi de suivre ces deux cursus chez DataScientest pour concrétiser mon projet de carrière. Les formations sont fortement axées sur la... Read More
Graduated: 202312/8/2023
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"No organization and made up rules"
I really hope they get their accreditation from the Arbeitsamt revoked. Why? Because of the following points + there is a lack of communication and organization + you are being lied to in the sales pitch - because they tell you it can be done without... Read More
Graduated: 202311/13/2023
Data Scientist - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Retour sur le Parcours Data Scientist en formant continue"
Parcours Data Scientist suivi en format continue. Les cours sont complets et interactifs. La plateforme disponible 24/24 facilite grandement la réalisation des différents modules. La formation est exigeante et l'ajout du projet fil rouge (en plus des... Read More
Alexandre Laroche
Graduated: 202310/31/2023
Data Scientist - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Formation Data Scientist"
J'ai suivi la formation Data Scientist en format continu qui correspondait exactement à ce que je recherchais en terme de flexibilité avec le travail à côté. La formation chez Datascientest est de très bonne qualité et exigeante. Les cours sont bien expliqués... Read More
Graduated: 202310/23/2023
Data Analyst - 9 weeks / 6 months
"Terrible Customer Service"
Awful customer service, they never return you. They have a platform which has lots of errors and bugs. Also, they say 10 weeks for the training but it takes more than 10 weeks. This was a big problem for me because then my school started. They take your... Read More
Mohamed Haijoubi
Data engineer | Graduated: 20239/24/2023
Data Engineer - 11 weeks / 9 months
"Belle experience de formation chez Datascientest,"
Formation de Très bonne qualité. Merci pour la présentation. Je recommande fortement cette organisme de formation. On trouve quasiment tous les aspects dont on aura besoin pour entrer dans la vraie vie de data engineer en entreprise. Ce que j'ai apprécié... Read More