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About DEV.F
DEV.F is a Mexico-based tech training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps in full-stack software engineering (40 weeks) and Data Science and Machine Learning (40 weeks). The Coding bootcamp covers topics like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SQL, MongoDB,... Read More
DEV.F is designed to help students land jobs after graduation and career counseling is included in the curriculum. Finally, we offer refunds to students that fail to find a job within 6 months of graduating.
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Artificial Intelligence
Cost: $1,188
Duration: 40 weeks
Data Science
Cost: $1,188
Duration: 40 weeks
Front End Developer
Cost: $1,188
Duration: 40 weeks
Full Stack Developer
Cost: $1,188
Duration: 40 weeks
UX Design
Cost: $1,188
Duration: 40 weeks