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About JayJay

Location: Online

JayJay is an educational platform for online learning of modern digital professions, offering various online courses across various fields. We help individuals seeking to enhance their skill sets or embark on a new career path. Our profession-courses... Read More


Front End Web Development

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This Frontend Web Development course is designed for beginner or middle developers looking to master the art of crafting seamless and visually appealing websites. Students will delve into HTML, CSS, JavaScript gaining the skills to create interactive and responsive user interfaces. From mastering essential coding techniques to understanding the latest frontend frameworks, students will unleash their creativity in building dynamic online experiences. Get ready to code and elevate your frontend development skills.

Ilustrasi Digital

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This upskill course is designed for individuals eager to excel in digital illustration. Students will become proficient in crafting compelling digital artwork using various tools and techniques, including Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Procreate. They will also develop the skills to generate illustration ideas, communicate effectively with clients, self-promote, and market their work via online platforms and social media.

QA Automation

Locations: Online
Course Description:

The course is tailored for those who want to enhance their Quality Assurance (QA) Automation skills. It delves into crucial subjects like test automation frameworks, scripting, and tools to streamline the process of automating tests. As a result, participants will be better equipped to improve their career prospects within the software testing field. By becoming proficient in QA automation, manual testers can expedite and enhance testing reliability, positioning themselves as invaluable assets in software quality assurance and potentially opening doors to job promotions.

QA Engineer

Locations: Online
Course Description:

Our QA Engineer course equips students with essential skills in manual and automated testing, including test case creation, defect identification, and industry-standard automation tools. The program covers test planning, bug tracking, and collaboration with development teams, preparing students for a rewarding career in QA engineering to ensure software project reliability and success.

QA Manual Testing

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is tailored for individuals looking to enhance their manual testing skills. Manual testing is an essential component of software quality assurance, involving systematically evaluating software functionality without automation. The course covers test planning, execution, defect reporting, and collaboration with development teams, providing practical skills to boost job prospects in the software testing industry and contribute to better software quality.

Social Media Specialist

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is for those who want to excel as social media specialists. Students will learn to create and manage content on different social media platforms during the course program. They'll also become proficient in using content marketing tools and crafting effective social media promotion strategies. Additionally, they'll discover how to track performance metrics and boost customer engagement. This course has a Job Guarantee.

UI/UX Designer

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is for people who want to become skilled product designers. In this program, students will learn how to use design tools, understand design psychology, and conduct user research. They'll also create web and mobile interface designs, conduct usability tests, and work with stakeholders to improve design implementation.

UX writing

Locations: Online
Course Description:

In this course, students will learn how to write for digital products, focusing on creating user-friendly interfaces and engaging content. They'll explore various types of microcopy, product writing patterns, and content design systems. By mastering writing skills and understanding brand voice and tone, they'll enhance the user experience with compelling words.

Video Editing

Locations: Online
Course Description:

This course is for those who want to excel as Video Editors. Students will learn to create videos for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. They'll also learn essential editing techniques, master industry-standard software, and realize their creative vision. Additionally, they'll discover how to shoot videos and create awesome content.

JayJay Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.83/5 (30 reviews)

Ad Maulana R
Graduated: 2024


QA Engineer



Job Support


Saya seorang pekerja yang setiap harinya bekerja dan bekerja sehingga waktu untuk mengupgrade diri sangat susah tetapi setelah saya ikut JayJay School saya sangat terbantu karena metode pembelajaran yang fleksibel, JayJay School online ini benar-benar... Read More

Rahmat Setiawan
Graduated: 2024


QA Engineer



Job Support

"Mantap Banget Belajar di JayJay"

Belajar di JayJay dari yang semula tidak memahami apa itu QA Engineer menjadi lebih paham. Untuk pelajaran yang dimuat pada modul dan vidio pembelajaran sangat mudah untuk dipahami seperti saya sebagai orang awam yang tidak tau apa itu QA Engineer. Semoga... Read More

freelance | Graduated: 2023


Ilustrasi Digital



Job Support

"review adobe illustrator class"

setelah mengikuti kelas adobe ilustrator ini dan mentor yang jago dibidangnya. saya merasa banyak ilmu yang didapatkan mulai dari teori hingga praktek diajarkan sehingga ketika muridnya ada kesusahan akan dibantu. semua diskusi dan artikel bermanfaat... Read More

Dermawan Silaen
Graduated: 2023


QA Manual Testing



Job Support


Saya sangat senang belajar di JayJay, Sebagai pemula dalam Quality Assurance, kursus ini memberikan pengantar yang komprehensif tentang pentingnya peran QA dalam siklus pengembangan perangkat lunak. Materi meliputi prinsip dasar QA, strategi pengujian,... Read More

Graduated: 2023


UI/UX Designer



Job Support

"mengubah pemikiran saya tentang ui/ux"

UI/UX designer adalah course yang saya ambil, saya seorang pekerja yang ingin mempunyai pekerjaan sampingan .tapi memang saya sangat tertarik dengan graphic designer, saya putuskan untuk kursus di JAY JAY ,mentor mentornya menguasai ,sehingga mudah dipahami... Read More

Social Media Specialist | Graduated: 2023


Social Media Specialist



Job Support

"The Best JayJay School, JayJay's course is very fun"

At first I didn't understand anything like studying social media, but as I studied the modules that were given, I understood. I don't regret being able to join JayJay because I got new experiences that I didn't know about until now. The teachers were... Read More

Michaella Prawatya
Graduated: 2023


Ilustrasi Digital



Job Support

"Good Digital Illustration Class"

Saya seorang guru dan ibu rumah tangga. Saya sudah lama tertarik dengan bidang ilustrasi digital. Tidak sengaja saya menemukan iklan jayjay school ini dan mencoba ikut kelas illustrasi digital. Materi yang diberikan cukup mudah dipahami oleh pemula seperti... Read More

Graduated: 2023


QA Engineer



Job Support

"Good to learn new knowledge here"

Hal yang menjadi nilai utama dari kursus yang saya ambil adalah mentor yang responsive, berpengalaman dan solutif Perlu diperbaiki dalam penyajian modul-modul yang ada, agar lebih memudahkan lagi bagi peserta dalam mengikuti alur pelajaran. Karena dari... Read More

Rizki Adi Saputra
Social Media Specialist and Content Creator | Graduated: 2023


Social Media Specialist



Job Support

"The best Course Social Media Specialist in Jayjay"

A digital class school that is interesting, informative and up-to-date, I study social media specialist classes here get very valuable insights and knowledge, the content is all meat from research, planning, management, and execute. Well, besides that,... Read More

Social Media Specialist | Graduated: 2023




Job Support

"Kursus Social Media Specialist"

Aku daftar kursus media sosial di awal tahun ini, dan gue merasa guru-guruku keren banget. Pengalaman dan perkembangan karir mereka yang cepat banget bikin gue terkesan, bikin gue bersyukur dapet banyak wawasan berharga soal ngatur platform media sosial,... Read More

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