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About Studytheblockchain

Location: Online

Welcome to Study the Blockchain's one-and-a-half month part-time online bootcamp where you will roll up your sleeves and build, hands on, from conception to deployment, your very own decentralized application (Dapp) on the Etheruem Blockchain using the... Read More

The skills you will gain will help you land a career as a Blockchain developer.

You will be guided by our instructors, brave developers that taught themselves how to build smart contracts, and you will go through a carefully vetted curriculum tailored to get you Blockchain ready.


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification

Cost: $1,000
Duration: 8 weeks
Locations: Online
Course Description:

One-and-a-half month of online classes with a professional Blockchain developer & group work with other developers

Slack group that you share with your classmates during and after the bootcamp

A capstone project where you write your own smart contracts and create a decentralized application (DApp) in groups and present to the Blockchain community

Earn a professional Blockchain developer certificate upon completion

Our curriculum covers the following topics:

Blockchain Fundamentals (technical and non technical) - Our comprehensive pre-work will provide an overview of Bitcoin and Ethereum (proof of work, mining, wallets, transactions), digital ownership (digital keys + addresses + digital signatures), Ethereum's role in DApps and the basics of cryptography.

Solidity Deep Dive - we'll thoroughly go over solidity concepts and connecting a web application to a solidity contract. You'll make your own Tokens - yes! Dive into the CryptoKitties code! And we'll utilize decentralized storage to make a truly unstoppable forever application owned by no one!

DApp Development - we'll develop a Decentralized Application (DApp) from start to end together. You'll explain every line step by step to your classmates in groups so that you understand every single detail of the code!

DApp testing and deployment - there are various ways of deploying a smart contract, and we'll look at all of them. We'll also learn to test our smart contracts and optimize them to reduce gas expenditure.

Solidity Smart Contract & DApp Project - you'll group together with other students and build out a smart contract project and get feedback from your instructor and peers. Your next co-founder could be around the corner. You could be leading the next multi-million dollar ICO.

Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Crypto, Blockchain

Studytheblockchain Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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5.0/5 (12 reviews)

Avanika K
Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Incredible Blockchain Course!"

I highly recommend taking Study The Blockchain’s course if you are interested in becoming a Blockchain Developer or just want to learn more about the Ethereum Blockchain. The class is very engaging and is driven by discussion so you are always actively... Read More

Rich Budek
VP Engineering | Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Went from zero knowledge to writing DAPPS"

I entered Study the Blockchain with no prior knowledge of blockchain nor ethereum/solidity. With the course we quickly learned about the blockchain and then loaded all of the necessary files. It was off to coding. Blockchain because it is so new is filled... Read More

When the development systems were loaded we were working on sample files. From that first day, we were looking at code and debugging. By the end of the class we had a full sized portfolio of real world projects that worked. In addition, homework problems were assigned and completed, in-class group or pair programing, and lastly our final projects. Through all of this we have built an on-line group where we can share our ideas, frustrations, and seek help. I would strongly recommend this program and the instructor.

Rich Budek

Richard Kuo
Full Stack Web and Mobile App developer | Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Excellent deep dive into solidity and blockchain development concepts"

The class teaches the essentials of blockchain development with solidity.
We covered basic and advanced blockchain concepts, front end web3 development, and backend solidity development.
We went over the development behind ICO's and blockchain games - and... Read More

Shilpa V
Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Highly methodical and organized"

This class is nothing less than excellent. The instructor presents the material in a highly methodical fashion and is well organized. The material is exactly what is required to learn Solidity and write smart contracts. Each class builds on the previous... Read More

Reginald Strain
Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Awesome Class"

This class was an awesome class. The instructor was born for this class. He was very thorough and answered everyone's questions.
I truly got a lot out of the class. The instructor explained complex methods in such a way that they were easy to understand.... Read More

Patrick Loughrey
Software Engineer | Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"You hit the ground running!"

Study the Blockchain is a challenging, affordable, and intensive course. You should definitely have some knowledge of Web Development & JavaScript before signing up because the instructor dives right into the material. In the second class you are already... Read More

Mel H
Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Fantastic Blockchain Course!"

This is a high quality educational course that teaches students with medium skill levels to write smart contracts. You don't have to be a full-time programmer immersed in coding to get a lot out of this class. It is super-convenient because it is online... Read More

Simon Nguyen
Software Developer | Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"You'll be able to write your first smart contract in a week"

This class will give you the resources and steps to be a successful blockchain developer. Want to start a blockchain start up instead? This class is for you as well. It's the fundamentals that you'll learn that will prepare you for a successful journey... Read More

- Most of the classes are 4-5 hours long, which is understandable because of the amount of contents we have to cover. I think for the evening class on Friday, we should restrict to 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of office hour.

Nick W
Distributed Systems Engineer | Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"Blockchain and Ethereum/Solidity Smart Contracts De-mystified"

StudytheBlockchain is a phenomenal online blockchain course with articulate instructors who will teach you what blockchain is, how write your own Ethereum smart contracts, and how to develop your own dapps (decentralized apps). StudytheBlockchain really... Read More

Hans Paul
Graduated: 2018


Professional Blockchain Developer Certification



Job Support

"From 0 to Hero in 1.5 months"

The class was a great experience: the more you put, the more you will get out of it.
The teacher is highly devoted to promptly answer to any questions during class and to do one on ones.
Great professionalism and passion for the subject make this class... Read More

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