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Turing School of Software and Design


About Turing School of Software and Design

Location: Denver

Turing School of Software and Design's mission is to unlock human potential by training a diverse, inclusive student body to succeed in high-fulfillment technical careers. Their vision is a world powered by technology where the people building it represent... Read More


Back End Engineering

Cost: $20,000
Duration: 28 weeks
Locations: Denver
In-person Only
Course Description:

Moving from the basics of object-oriented programming and data structures to building database-backed web applications in Sinatra and Ruby on Rails, our Back-End Engineering program provides the fundamental skills to launch your career in software development.

The seven-month program includes:

Object-Oriented Programming with Ruby
Web Applications with Ruby
Professional Rails Applications
Client-Side Development with JavaScript

Ruby on Rails, JavaScript

Front End Engineering

Cost: $20,000
Duration: 28 weeks
Locations: Denver
In-person Only
Course Description:

Our front-end program provides the necessary skills to build a career in front-end development. From UX/UI principles to strong foundations on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, our curriculum provides the tools to build desktop, mobile and web apps.

The seven-month program includes:

Fundamental Web Technologies
Web Development with JavaScript
Professional Client-Side Development
Desktop and Mobile Applications with Web Technologies

CSS, HTML, JavaScript

Turing School of Software and Design Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.86/5 (65 reviews)

Software Developer | Graduated: 2017


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Fantastic experience, set me up for career transition from customer success/sales to software development"

- Very solid instruction. The four modules lasted six weeks each, and covered:

Mod 1: Programming in Ruby, Object Oriented design, testing, etc.
Mod 2: Sinatra, Rails and ActiveRecord basics
Mod 3: Advanced ActiveRecord, Authentication/Authorization,... Read More

- Job hunting and technical interview prep throughout
- Culture "stuff" throughout. Gender and bias problems in tech, how to be an advocate for marginalized groups, etc.


- I did a ton more pre-work than was required, and felt well prepared going in, but I feel like the recommended pre-work between the mods didn't quite serve the goals. I felt behind the ball on mods 3 and 4.
- Large group instruction is hard for everyone, but I felt often a little underserved by the group instruction, compared to how much value I got from working through written lessons.

As a whole, Turing was a great experience. I'm four months into a new job, doing exactly what I wanted to do. I whole-heartedly endorse Turing to anyone who's interested, and I've convinced three friends to do Turing. One is almost done, two are about two start. :)

Front End Developer | Graduated: 2017




Job Support

"Best decision I've ever made!"

This program was tough and requires an incredible amount of time and dedication for 7 months almost non-stop. 10-12 hour work days are pretty normal.
But if you follow through, it has the power to complete change your life!

Sam L
Junior Developer | Graduated: 2017


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Fantastic Decision"

The Turing School of Software & Design changed my life. I am now making twice as much money as I ever have before at a fulfilling job. I am incredibly grateful to Jeff Casimir and the staff at Turing for their work and vision. I can vouch for the legitimacy... Read More

Turing did not hand me anything. It’s not a place you show up, attend the necessary lectures for a few months then wait for a job offer. I worked very hard to learn the material, build up my professional materials to be an attractive candidate and then slogged through the emotional torment that was the job hunt. Can you work hard 6-7 days a week, 10 hours a day or more? Can you continue working hard when you’re sure it’s futile and you’re wasting your time? Because you will feel like that. Doesn’t make it true, but you will have those thoughts.

Do you like programming? When I applied to Turing, and this is still the case as far as I know, you could get in without ever having touched a computer before in your life. They assessed my problem solving skills and personality via collaborating on an LSAT question. I do believe anyone could learn to program, but I do not believe everyone would enjoy it. Luckily, there are so many free resources to explore you can easily get a feel for programming and whether or not you want to make a career switch around it. Please, spend 50 hours or so playing with and before you decide to take off at least 7 months of your life and pay a lot of money to pursue this career change.

Are your ducks in a row to take 7-10 months off work? Family, pets, financial obligations can all derail a Turing career. Don’t underestimate the time commitment, as well as the emotional drain the program takes on most people. It is fun and rewarding, but also incredibly difficult. Don’t hamstring yourself by overextending yourself.

Last, have you done a Try Turing event It will give you a good idea of the Turing culture and teaching style, and save you $500 if you decide to do Turing.

I chose Turing over several other programs because I wanted to go somewhere that was more than a job factory. I wanted to have an experience that was a wholesome place to truly transition into a new career. If the only thing motivating you is the paycheck, you’ll have a tough path forward. If you like challenging yourself and working closely with others, Turing is the best place in the world to start a career in software development. 

Adam Hundley
Softward Developer | Graduated: 2016


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"HARDEST thing I have ever done BUT, life changed 180 degrees for the BETTER!"

The decision to take a break from life to spend a lot of money to go back to school was hard but MORE than worth it. Turing was the hardest 7 months of my life. There is no getting around the fact that it is a HUGE commitment and sacrifice, but it is... Read More

Paul Grever
Delivery Engineer | Graduated: 2014


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Best Decisions of my Life"

I will admit, my choice to attend Turing was a little biased. I worked at LivingSocial when the Hungry Academy(the predecessor to Turing). I saw first hand how successful the graduates were at that program.

Pros: Turing taught me how to learn and how... Read More

Mentoring. Turing has a great mentor network that is very active. As a student, I relied on mentors to solve problems when I was stuck. Now I help by using my contacts to help people get their feet in the doors at companies.

Curriculum - they do a great job at iterative learning where the lessons build off of each other. They make you learn it the hard way and then show you the Rails solution for that. It's very helpful for working in other languages that might not be as friendly as Rails. But it also gives you a deeper understanding.

Cons: It's financially hard. Leaving a job for 7 months with no income was hard on my household. I don't regret it, but make sure you are in a good position to be without income for 7 months. It would be hard to have a side job and be successful in the program.

Full Stack Software Engineer | Graduated: 2014


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Intense, rewarding, worth it"

I enrolled in Turing on the recommendation of a close-friend and completed the program in 2015. Being an adult with a previous career and history I hope this will be a more clear-eyed and less infatuated review.

Anyway, what they expect out of you at Turing... Read More

Honestly, to their credit they pull it off brilliantly.

I feel like overall my Rails and Ruby knowledge that came out of the program was very strong, with my JavaScript knowledge being somewhat weak. The fact that I now am employed as a Python and Django developer and am excelling at my job goes to show the power of teaching one language and one framework very well is all you need to enter into software development.

As far as the curriculum, beyond feeling weak in JavaScript overall (they have since changed their curriculum to be more focused on JS), I think the complete lack of focus on HTML and CSS was somewhat of a detriment as it has a basic skill that has been required for being a full stack engineer. 1-week would probably be sufficient honestly.

The community itself is very strong and Jeff Casimir's support network/guest speaker list was truly incredible. Jeff has an uncanny ability at attracting quality people.

That said, the two main criticisms I have with Turing are:

First that the job search was much more difficult and time-consuming than expected, which was very difficult financially, even with Turing's help. I feel like this is less of Turing's fault than a shift in the market and a flood of other bootcamp graduates (who are likely less qualified in my opinion).

Secondly, while the Turing community is very strong, this strength was sometimes abused; I feel like the focus on non-software topics constantly is distracting and at times even felt like they were trying their hand at social engineering and experimentation, even if the progressive intentions of such were mostly positive. Turing is the brain-child of Jeff Casimir, and I have never met someone with a stronger personality or higher ambitions. Turing is in many ways a reflection of this personality for both good and ill.

Nonetheless, I strongly respect Jeff Casimir and all being said I still recommend Turing to anyone I know and still appreciate the fantastic quality of the instructors (Jorge Tellez especially). They aim their sites very high and for the most part achieve them for the majority of students.

Software Engineer | Graduated: 2015


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"One of most challenging experiences of my life; and also one of the best."

Attending Turing was one of the best decisions I have ever made. If you want to work in Ruby and/or Rails (and if you are just starting out, it's a wise first step) there is truly no better place to learn.

Andy Mention
Sr. Software Engineer | Graduated: 2014


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Great Decision"

I had been working as a technology coördinator/person-who-handles-everything-that-plugs-in-and-teaches-classes-on-the-side for seven years prior to enrolling at Turing. Unfortunately none of that transferred to programming and I started with basically... Read More

The program was rigorous. All those water analogies (drinking from the fire hose, being thrown into the deep end, &c.) described my experiences, especially at first. As the program progressed though, so did my understanding and looking back week by week, my progress was real and impressed me.

The staff are committed to turning out the best alumni in the world. That goal is lofty and they take it very seriously. Add in a non-trivial social justice mission, and you can see that the staff are holding themselves to at least as high a standard as they do the students. This can lead to a greater good mentality that can be difficult for individual students while beneficial to the community.

I was lucky to have a job the night before graduating. The first few months were very difficult as I had to get up to speed with topics and skills I had not learned at Turing, but my colleagues were helpful and understanding. After over two years at my first job, I took a new job as a Senior Software Engineer with another company. The work is challenging and satisfying and I work alongside people with many years more experience than me. Working remotely allows me to live where I want.

Turning my career around was a scary and difficult process, but one that I am glad to have undertaken. Turing was not easy, but I left prepared to do meaningful work that I continue to enjoy.

Tess Griffin
Software Developer | Graduated: 2015


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Hard, but extremely worth it"

I attended the Turing School of Software and Design back in 2015, so while some of my specific information will be outdated, my perspective of my experience now out in the industry will hopefully be helpful for perspective students.

Be forewarned, this... Read More

I would definitely attend Turing again. Without Turing I wouldn't have the job as a developer I have now, and it was so much more valuable than my 4 year college degree.

Laura Whalin
Software Developer | Graduated: 2015


Back End Engineering



Job Support

"Thorough, challenging, and completely worth it."

Turing is designed to push you to your limits. Every day is packed with several new concepts that you are expected to absorb and begin using right away. It's difficult, the pace never slows down, and it is exactly the program I was looking for. The pros... Read More

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